The Castle of Darkness | Downfall of the Villains | Farewell, Phantom Thieves

Start from the beginning

Bowser Jr: I was looking around and you weren't home. So I went over to Peach's Castle, and she wasn't there. And Mario and his friends were knocked unconscious. I can only guess that was your doing, was it?

Bowser: That... I partially remember. 

Bowser Jr: Well, where are we going?

Bowser: Back to the castle.. to round up more of my troops. That witch, Maleficent is going to regret having to control over me, just to kidnap Peach. If anyone kidnaps her, it'll be me and me alone!... Oh, and uh.. you as well, Junior. 

Bowser Jr: So.. we're saving Peach? With who?

Bowser: It's a long story, but I'll explain as we sail back home. Since.. my machinery is busted. 

The two then continued to sail back towards their own kingdom. With night falling, the crew was still up as they were feeling restless from the armada fight. Vara was on top of the crows nest as he was gazing at the stars at night. While looking, he saw some dark clouds looming above as Vara looked forward to see the land ahead.

Vara: Land ahoy! We made it!

Everyone looks on as they all started to prepare to dock the ship and drop the anchor

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Everyone looks on as they all started to prepare to dock the ship and drop the anchor. Everyone gets out of the Black Pearl as they all looked at the castle that in front of them.

Percy: This is .. a bit like a movie.

Grover: It's not a movie though.

Percy: ... 

Annabeth: ...

Grover: What? 

Sora: This is it. 

Tarzan: Look.. Multiple entries.

Vara: Hm... Then we all should split up. Maybe these entries can lead us into different points that lead up to the castle. 

Mulan: Good idea. 

Vara: Let's see... Percy, Annabeth, and Grover. You stick together. Sora, Donald, and Goofy will as well. 

They all nod, agreeing to the plan. 

Vara: Then Mulan, Tarzan, and Jack will stick together too. I'll head up the main entrance. 

Mulan: Will you be alright?

Vara: I'll be okay.

Mushu: Don't worry, girl. I'll go with him, make sure he doesn't get in trouble. 

Mushu then leaps off of Mulan's shoulder and onto Vara's shoulder. 

Jack: Aye, Master Gibbs. Watch over the Black Pearl while we're gone. 

Gibbs: Aye, sir. 

Jack: Right, let's split up, mates. Don't fall behind.

Percy: Good luck, everyone.

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