The Castle of Darkness | Downfall of the Villains | Farewell, Phantom Thieves

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With the battle against the armada passing, everyone was below deck on Bowser's ship as he was just waking up from being mind controlled by Maleficent. 

Bowser: Hm... Huh? What the? Where am I?!

Donald: You're in the brig.

Goofy: And you invoked the right of Parley.

Bowser: What? .. Did I?

Vara: You said it before you passed out.. and gave us a sore back from carrying you here. 

Bowser then gets up as he walked over to Vara, while still in his cell. 

Bowser: Could've sworn I seen you before.

Vara: We met, it was when Sephiroth took control of you. 

Bowser: Oh, you're that kid who was with Mario and his misfit friends... Come to think of it, you all put me here?

Jack: More like they did, mate.

Vara: Listen, you were recently controlled by Maleficent. The witch that has made you kidnap Peach and put my friends into a coma. Now she's using her dark magic to extract all of the light within Peach and use it for darkness all over the Earth. 

Bowser: ... Hm.. So I did help kidnap Peach, but I was controlled... 

Vara: Didn't you say that you wanted to settle a score with Majora for trying to get to you?

Bowser: ... Hm... *cracks knuckles* Alright, yeah. That's the last time I'll be treated as a puppet. 

Vara: Good to have you on board... Uh.. although your armada is gone.

Percy: Yeah, we kind of... destroyed it.

Bowser: *sigh* ...

Jack: Might I propose a suggestion, Captain Bowser? 

Vara: He's no captain-

Jack: Zip it. You sail to wherever your whereabouts is, call upon more reinforcements for a counter attack against the witch's castle. How does that sound, Savvy?

Bowser: .. Fine. Uh... I need to get out though. 

After getting Bowser out of the brig, the crew heads back to the Black Pearl as Bowser starts to sail away back towards his kingdom. 

Mulan: Can he be trusted?

Vara: Hell no. But we don't have a choice, he's our best chance. 

Sora: I mean, the more allies we make, the more we stand a chance against Maleficent.

Donald: Yeah.

Vara: True.. We still have a ways to go before we get to the Castle of Darkness, so we should leave as soon as we can. 

Everyone nods as they raised the anchor and started to sail through the ocean once again. As Bowser was sailing back to his kingdom, he was stuck in his thoughts.

Bowser: 'This is strange.... Too strange... I beat Mario, I kidnapped Peach... but I don't feel good about it. Perhaps.. it wasn't on my terms. That witch, I'll make sure she regrets ever controlling me... Hm.. Captain Bowser... Nice ring to it.'

His thoughts was interrupted as he heard a young voice call out to him.

Bowser Jr: Papa! 

Bowser: Hm? .. Junior?

Bowser Jr was flying in his hover car as he then lands on the ship. 

Bowser: What are you doing here, Junior?

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