The Obsessive Doll Demon | Double Date

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Just as the Three V's left and giving Valentino a scare and warning, Vara walks inside as he walks over to Angel's room to check on him and Cherri. Right as he walked in, Cherri comforted Angel as he went to sleep by himself.

Vara: He went to sleep?

Cherri: Mhm. All that crying tired him out... and he needed some sleep. 

Vara: .. I'm glad.

Cherri: Where did you go?

Vara: I didn't leave. Uh... let's talk outside. 

She then walks out right after Vara took Angel's phone. He then shows her the messages Valentino sent.

Cherri: What?

Vara: It was a few minutes ago. That's why I stepped out. The Three V's have arrived, but... get this... they didn't even go inside. 

Cherri: Why?

Vara: Well... I kinda... eh... convinced them? You can say that I... You know what, okay. I earned Angel's freedom from Val, he's not coming back for him again.

Cherri: You're... you're joking, are you? You have to be. 

Vara: I'm not. I said that I didn't want Angel to suffer anymore... I know this is Hell for a reason... but as Charlie would say... Alot of people can change, even if they don't want to believe it. 

Cherri: *smiles and tears up* .. I can't believe this... You... actually saved him. I wanted to save him myself for the longest time, but I just couldn't... did. Why?

Vara: .. Cherri... just because I was born on the moon and grew up in Hell.. I've seen enough people that suffered heavily. My family was falling apart... cause my mother was lost in darkness... but we saved her. *deep breath* ... I guess inside every demon is a rainbow, and I can't believe I just said that. 

The excitement and emotions from Cherri became too overwhelming as she then hugs him, and surprisingly kisses him on the lips. He was shocked that Cherri managed to make moves before he did, but he pushed that thought aside and let it happen. 

Cherri: .. Thank you... I mean it... Saving him.. means saving me as well. 

Vara: When were you in trouble?

Cherri: I just wanted to say that... You really are a cool human I've met. I hope you don't mind... but I want to be part of your life.

Vara: Cherri.. you already are. All of you. I did say I grew up in Hell, did I not make myself clear?

Cherri: *giggles* .. Shut up.... but still... Thank you.. for saving Angie.... I... Oh, fuck, I'm gonna say it... I really like you, both friend and.. beyond if you want. Though I have benefits~

Vara: Knew that was coming...  It's getting late, so we should turn in.

Cherri: That's fine... but I'm sleeping with you~ And it'll be more then sleeping~

Vara: .. Okay, I mean... I'm not vulnerable to Lust no more, so.... whatever you need, anarchy bomb girl.

Cherri: For you, my deity~

Vara: That was a bit awkward. 

Right as Vara and Cherri walked away, Angel was up and heard the entire thing. He broke into tears of joy, knowing that Vara saved him from Valentino. After sliding Angel's phone back in the room, the two then walk into a hotel room together as they turned themselves in after a long heated makeout session. As the next day pans by, Vara walked out of his room after having a shower as he walked through the lobby. While walking, he comes across Charlie and Vaggie who walked up to him.

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