White Sound | A Phenex's Rehab

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During summer vacation in the Underworld, Vara was roaming around town with Loona as Octavia was with Stolas and Stella, meeting Sirzechs and the rest of the Gremory Family. The Imps were up on Earth to assassinate more awful humans that were assigned. As for Mario and the others, they were back at Peach's Castle, helping out Peach with the Norse God meeting that was looming near. Vara looks back as he notice Loona, partially sweating.

Vara: You alright? 

Loona: I'm fine. It's not like you need to know.

Vara: Lighten up, Loona. It's just a walk, nothing wrong with that. 

Loona: I can literally think of many things that is wrong. 

Vara: Okay, shoot. 

Loona: Well, you could be just leading me to a alleyway and take advantage over me.

Vara: What? No. I would never. I am not that kind of asshole.... If anything... I'm mostly off guard. 

Loona: I don't follow.

Vara: You don't have to. Look, the point that we're on this walk is that... well... Octavia told me this morning before she went with Stolas and Stella... she told me that you may have a problem in the near future. But that can also hurt me too... 

Loona: Why?

Vara: Well.... let's just say I talked to Blitzo... and he mentioned you having syphilis. 

Loona: *sigh and facepalms* Look, there's no way we're going to find anything medical. 

Vara: It's not Hell we're in, Loona. It's the Underworld. And I think we may find something medical, cause it's about time that your syphilis goes. 

Loona: ... Why? Why would you do this for me?

Vara: Loona, that's because you're my friend. And I care alot about you, much like I care for the others. I never want to let go of the bonds that I forged. 

Loona: Wow... I don't know what to say... Thanks.

Vara: No problem. Now let's get the medicine and head towards the mansion.

Both Vara and Loona enter the medical building as they picked up some medicines for syphilis. Upon purchasing them, the two walk back to the mansion as they came across Octavia.

Vara: How'd it go?

Octavia: Pretty well. It wasn't that bad. Dad and Sirzechs are now great friends, and... *sigh* He also knows of his mannerisms. 

Vara: Eh.. I expected that to happen. Anything else?

Octavia: Actually... something was off. I saw Rias entering Koneko's room and... she wasn't doing very well.

Vara: What happened?

Loona: Could be tired. 

Vara: Let's go check it out. 

The three then walk over to Koneko's room as they knocked on the door, letting Rias opening the door.

Rias: Oh, Vara.  How can I help you?

Vara: I want to see Koneko. Via told me she wasn't doing well. 

Rias: ... Alright, come on. 

The three then enter the room as they all sat next to each other, looking at Koneko as she looked depressed. Not to mention her appearance was different. 

Loona: Uh.. what's with the ears?

Vara: Koneko.. is different, Loona. She's actually a Nekoshou, just like Kuroka. 

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