Battle of the Gods | China's Heroine Spirit | An Unbreakable Bond

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Everyone was now waiting for the seal on Loki to break as everyone stayed in one spot and were preparing. Issei was talking to Ddraig, while Octavia was taking some advice from Mushu on how to use her talent as a weapon. Mario and Luigi were just checking how many items they have for the fight, while Vara was looking over the cliff and at the mask. Thor looked at him as he then walks over to him. 

Thor: The Child of the Moon. Vara. 

Vara: Oh.. Thor..

Thor: You must be confused.

Vara: A little.... I thought the eclipse was going to be rough when it comes, but Ragnarok takes it to another level. How long have you prevented Ragnarok?

Thor: For as long as I can live. Loki was always the troublemaker, and still is to this day. But I never thought he gave into the darkness all that easily. 

Vara: It could be Majora.. he might be using Loki's darkness for entertainment. I don't know why, but I get the feeling Majora's trying to pull these stunts just so that he can be satisfied until the eclipse comes.... Because when that day comes... it's the End of the World as we know it. And all of the realms.

Thor: I heard... Father told me about it. 

Vara: Speaking of which... how did you and Kratos know about the meeting?

Thor: Rossweisse knew something like this would happen, so she informed us and we came as soon as we could. She's a great Valkyrie that lead alot of warriors to victory.

Vara: .. Just like.. the Fierce Deity. 

Kratos then walks up to the two.

Kratos: Boy. How does your spirit have ties to one title such as the God of War?

 Vara: Well.. Asterius said that he was the first God of War. He led his soldiers to victory and did everything he could to save his loved ones and home. As his first fight with Majora ended, both of them were sealed away on the moon... where I was born. Before I was sent here, Asterius bonded with another warrior to defeat Majora again, to save the land of Termina. Turns out, Majora cursed the moon in that world to fall, but thankfully... Asterius and that warrior defeated him and saved Termina... The rest... is a long story. But from what he remembered.... he had the title of God of War, until Ares stripped him away from this title. Ever since then, he had pure hatred at him, but even with all of the power... he didn't kill him. He just... moved on, and accepted his new title.... the God of Wrath. 

Kratos: I see.... I'm sorry. 

Vara: For what, Kratos?

Kratos: If I had known that Asterius was around before, I could've helped him regain his title back... but I never received any signs. 

Vara: .. It's okay... it's still a shock that you killed Ares. 

Thor: Though it may be out of my world, but I could tell that Ares was power hungry and tainted that title... But.. what's really surprising is that how Asterius is still alive after all these years.

Vara: Yeah.. His spirit is confined within this mask, and was given to me the day I was born. I held on to it, but never put it on growing up... But a few months ago... that all changed. Ever since then, me and Asterius became a great team... and friends. 

Thor: *smiles*... You both have an unbreakable bond. No one can severe it. 

Vara: Thanks, Thor.. you too, Kratos. I just met you both, but you all really inspired me and Asterius. And for that, we couldn't be more thankful.

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