Witch's Wrath | Rival's Team Up | Wrathful God Vs. White Dragon Emperor

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The group were completely in shock as to seeing Maleficent return and blocking their escape. 

Maleficent: Well, you seem to have quite grew from our last encounter.

Vara: Save it, why are you attacking us?!

Sora: What is your game?

Maleficent: Oh, Sora, ever the so curious one. My plan is quite simple in fact... I'm here for the two Princesses that are here. The Daughter of the devil, and *points at Rias* her. 

Vara: No! Leave Charlie out of this!

Issei: Yeah, you're not taking Rias away!

Maleficent: On the contrary, they are vital in my plan. Majora doesn't know of this... but why should I tell my secret? It kills the fun. 

Sora: .. I know what your game is. You're planning to capture more Princesses and absorb their power, to conquer every world. Well, you can forget it! 

Maleficent: Fool, if your so desperate to know my real plan.. Fine. I'm sure Vara has heard from Majora that the moon will fall on the day of the Eclipse. But I have other plans then to serve that mask. I plan to capture the seven princesses in this world, so that I can use their power to overthrow Majora and conquer the worlds of what should've been mine!

Vara: So... You plan to backstab Majora until the day of the Eclipse, so you're just gonna capture princesses so that you can use your power to conquer every world? 

Maleficent: Indeed. Now that you all figured out my plan, I have a Princess to take. Hand her over! 

Vara took out his sword as Sora summons his Keyblade. Issei summons his Boosted Gear as Koneko regained her strength and got on her feet. They all went over in front of Rias and defended her.

Rias: All of you... 

Vara: You can try all you want, witch. It won't work. So you can kiss your plan goodbye. 

Maleficent: ... So you plan to do this the hard way.. Very well. HAAAA!!!!

She then uses her magic as she tosses everyone out of the building, causing Vara head to bleed. He later on recovered as he then lands, with everyone crashing down. They all got up as Vara shouted. 

Vara: Sora, take Rias and the others back to the others. You have to help Charlie. I'll deal with Maleficent. 

Sora: You'll need my help, you haven't faced Maleficent.

Vara: ... I'll manage. You have to trust me. 

Sora: ... *nods* Alright. 

Sora then help out everyone as they start to run back to the others, while Maleficent saw them running.

Maleficent: Running away? It's pointless.

Vara: No! You're fights with me!

Maleficent: You? Boy, as where your currently standing.. I'm afraid that fighting me will only get you hurt more. And seeing your shape right now, you're not worth my time. My plan will come to fruition, whether you like it or not. 

Right as Maleficent was about to walk away, Vara's face was turned to rage as he gripped in his sword very tight. His rage was boiling as his head kept on bleeding, also making his eyes bleed as well. Right as Maleficent was about to walk away, her cloak was stopping her as she saw Vara about to slash her. She manages to phase out of her cloak as she sprouted her black wings. She looks at Vara and sees and feels his presence.

Maleficent: 'The bloodlust around him and his eyes... His rage has reached it's top.'


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