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LIV EVENTUALLY TOLD her mom about Steven and the woman was beyond angry

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LIV EVENTUALLY TOLD her mom about Steven and the woman was beyond angry. Liv had to calm her down before she did anything drastic.

If Liv and Scarlett hadn't stopped her from walking out the door, she would most likely be in jail for murder right about now.

After she calmed down she gave Liv a big tight hug. Liv couldn't hold the tears back and she began to sob into her mom's shoulder.

Her mom began to cry with her.

Scarlett watched the two, her heart aching for her best friend. She wished there was something she could do to help but there was nothing anyone could do.

Liv didn't want to tell the police which meant that Steven would be walking around like nothing ever happened and Scarlett hated that.

She wanted to make him pay for what he did to Liv but there wasn't much she could do to do that.

Weeks had past and Liv's mom decided to send her daughter to therapy. Liv didn't want to talk about what happened and what she was feeling, so she thought maybe a therapist could help with that.

Liv was quiet for the first few days, refusing to talk about anything. But then she started opening up a bit more and she started talking more and more about the abuse she went through.

Talking about it was actually a huge relief for Liv, she had been keeping it a secret for so long that it was eating her up inside. Being able to talk about it after so long was like a big weight lifting off her shoulders.

She was able to go more into detail about the abuse and how traumatic the whole relationship was. She never realized how bad it actually was for her until now.

She would cry herself to sleep every night and she would wake up drenched in sweat from all the nightmares she got.

And seeing him at school wasn't helping her at all. Everywhere she went she saw him, it was like he was haunting her and there was just no way to get rid of him.

She didn't feel safe going to school anymore because of him. She started getting panic attacks and they were bad. She would freak out and she would run out of class and into the bathroom.

The first time she had one she swore she was dying. She couldn't breathe and she felt extremely nauseous, like she was going to pass out.

She called Scarlett the first time and Scarlett ran to her aid, she helped calm the girl down and knew exactly what to do.

Scarlett had had her fair share of panic attacks. She used to get them all the time after her dad died, they stopped after a while when she was able to control them.

The first few weeks we're horrible for Liv, it was like she was stuck in a constant loop of anxiety and fear. It was like living in a nightmare.

Once she started going to therapy it really began to help her. Her panic attacks began to die down, she only had panic attacks a few times a week instead of having them everyday.

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