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"COME ON LOUIS we're gonna be late," William whined as he banged on the bathroom stall

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"COME ON LOUIS we're gonna be late," William whined as he banged on the bathroom stall. After the little incident with Scarlett, Louis went into the bathroom and hid in the stall.

"I don't care!"

William looked over at Ethan who rolled his eyes, "Come on mate, I'm sure no one will even care anyways," Ethan said.

"I don't care what people think, I deserve to rot in this stall, this is my home now," Louis said. "Ok now your being dramatic, get the hell out of there!" William shouted.

They heard a click from the other side and the door opened and out came Louis. William grabbed his shoulder and shoved him out of the stall.

"You get in another stall and I'm ripping the door off," William said and Louis rolled his eyes.

"Stop beating yourself over this, you and Scarlett had a good thing going...I guess, but it's over now, get over it," Ethan said.

"I can't just get over it! I really liked her and now she hates me," Louis said sadly going over to the sink and placing his hands on the counter, his head hanging down.

"Ok, since I'm the reason your in this mess, I'm going to get you out of it," Ethan said and Louis turned his head to look at him.

"What are you going to do?"

"Throw a party!"

William rolled his eyes and Louis shook his head, "How is a party going to help him get Scarlett back?" William asked.

"It's not, I just really want to throw a party," Ethan said, "Didn't you just throw one?"


"Go ahead, throw your party, but don't expect me to be there," Louis said heading towards the door.

"No wait! You have to show up to this party, I'm going to make sure Scarlett goes and that way you two can talk, I can even lock you in a room with her, that way she can't escape," Ethan explained.

"No, we are not doing that, look just leave it alone alright? I'll just deal with this myself, you've caused enough problems already," Louis said and he walked out of the bathroom.

Ethan sighed and turned to William who was giving him a look, "What? You told me to fix this, so that's what I'm doing," Ethan said and he walked out of the bathroom.

William shook his head and walked out after him.

William shook his head and walked out after him

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𝗙𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗻|Louis Partridge|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant