Chapter 18- Take Me Back

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~~ Yelena's POV ~~

I was laying on my bed, face buried in my pillows, as I contemplated my life. So far I had come to the conclusion it was shit.

First, I get taken to the Red Room and become a chemically subjugated agent and am separated from Natasha.

Then I get out and meet the person I like. But we aren't allowed to be together because my sister doesn't want it.

When I think about it like this I realise how stupid it is. My sister can't control my life.

Fuck it. I need to find Y/N and talk to her before one of us has a mental breakdown (most likely me).

Just as I get up, there's a knock at my door. Expecting it to be Natasha I open it with a scowl on my face. But it's not Natasha. It's Y/N. Beautiful, kissable Y/N.

She smiles nervously and before she can say anything I hug her right.
"Im sorry." I say into her shoulder.
"I'm sorry to. We shouldn't let other people tell us what we can and can't do. And I want to be with you."
"Me to." I tell her. I press my lips to hers and a feeling returns to my body. A feeling of relief.

Natasha stands at the end of the hall, watching us. She heard the whole conversation. The one thing I don't expect is her telling us how proud she is. But also pissed that it took us this long to start thinking for ourselves.

Yet that's exactly what she did.

I threw myself into her arms and she hugged me tight. She then did the same with Y/N.
"Thank you." Y/N whispered.
"I should be the one saying thank you for forgiving me. I got protective. Of both you and Lena. I'm sorry." She replies.
"Love you." Was the only thing Y/N responded with.

~~ 10 Years Later ~~ (Y/N's POV)

"Lena we need to go!" I yell up the stairs.
"Coming!" She shouted back.

She emerged from the stairs in a black suit, carrying our daughter - Scarlett - on her hip. Me and our son Ethan had been waiting for them for 10 minutes. We leave the house looking like a perfect family.

Me and Ethan walking next to Yelena and Scarlett.

This is what our life had become. One full of love and happiness. But not without its lows. Especially when there were dirty nappies involved.

Still, it was a life I loved and cherished everyday and I couldn't imagine not being with my family.


Done. I lost motivation I'm sorry.

But I'm writing a new book.

Anyway sorry again.

Love u guys. Byeee

- Sophie

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