Chapter 3- Trauma

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T/W Mild Panic Attack

I knew what was going to happen before it happened; just like I did every night. My breaths became ragged and my heart rate accelerated. Any trace of good dreams turned to nightmares. The only difference this time was that, before the tears started, I woke up.

With one hand on my shoulder and the other wiping a stray tear from my cheek, Pepper crouched beside me. She looked relieved when I looked at her, my breathing beginning to return to normal.

I ran my eyes over my unfamiliar surroundings, my memories taking their time to return to my brain. Finally, everything came flooding back to me. I vaguely remember Tony carrying me in and laying em in the sofa, covering me with a blanket and whispering goodnight.

A woman stood, leant against the doorway, her mouth agape. Her straight, red hair cut was slightly below her shoulder and her emerald green eyes wide as she took in the scene before her. She looked only about 21 but a lifetime of secrets were obviously held within her head.
"Honey, are you ok?" Pepper asked, concern laced in her voice.
I pushed the blanket away and sat up, letting my eyes close for a second before moving to stand up.
"I ummm... yeah I'm fine," I replied. Sinking back onto the sofa I put my head in my hands and let tears escape from my eyes.
"I'm sorry. I'm s...sorry." I cried, not knowing why I was apologising. Habit I guess.
"No sweetie, you don't need to be sorry. Can you tell me what happened?"
"It h...happens everyday. Thoughts of my parents come into my head. They take over and... and well that happens." I admit, fresh tears coming out.

Pepper rubbed my back comfortingly as she listened. When I had finished, she sighed.
"You safe now. I promise. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. And I know that may not be of much comfort and that it won't stop what's going on in your head but we can get through it. It'll take time. So I guess the only question now is; do you want to stay with us?" Pepper asked, slightly nervous. A massive grin erupted on my face as I looked at her.
"Yes, yes, yes, yesssss!!" I replied, practically screaming. I threw my arms around her neck and hugged her. It only took her a second before she hugged me back, sharing my happiness.

Tony was stood in the doorway with Natasha, watching the scene unfold. I got up and ran to him, hugging him like I had with Pepper. He stood, unsure of what to do for a second before relaxing and patting my back a few times.

Natasha nodded a greeting at me when I looked at her.
"Hey, I'm Natasha."
"I'm Y/N! I like your hair, it's really pretty!" I told her, staring up at her.
"Thanks. Your hairs nice to!" I shook my head when she said this.
"I don't like it, it's so long and messy. I wish I could cut it like yours." I said wistfully, my eyebrows creased in thought.
"Well you can if you want, kid." Tony said ruffling my hair.
"Really?" I asked.
"Of course. In fact, let's do it now." He decided. Pepper looked at him unsure, but he just smiled at her reassuringly.
"Come on then, kid!" He said herding me out of the room. As he left, he gave Natasha a look obviously telling her to follow him.

Pepper stood up and sighed. Tony was always doing things without thinking about it first. Usually, she would have contradicted him, telling him to stop and think rationally, but today she made an exception due to the excited, eager look on Y/N's face.

Morgan ran through to the living room, still in her pjs, and Pepper lifted her up, twirling her round and plastering a smile on her face like she did everyday. It wasn't like it was hard, Pepper loved her life. Some days it just felt like she never got a break. But she was surrounded by the people she loved in the place she loved, so she didn't mind.

Laughing, Morgan jumped down and ran towards the kitchen. Pepper followed, grinning at her daughters carefree attitude.

A/N: Do you wanna see the part where Tony cuts your hair or is that just boring lol bc I have some ideas but only if you guys want it

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