Chapter 11- Changes

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~~ Time Skip To Next Morning ~~

I groaned as I pulled myself out of bed. My head spinning, I fell back against the wall.
"Dammit." I whispered. I took my time to select and put on my outfit choice for the day, as I had found that if moved to fast my head would hurt more, and stumbled out of my room and towards the kitchen.

My Dad was sat reading the paper, with Natasha next to him as she sipped her tea. That was one thing that confused me when I first met her; she doesn't like coffee. Now you'd think a superhero would need coffee but no. She prefers hot chocolate, alcohol and tea.

I grabbed the paracetamol out of the cupboard and swallowed the little pills with water. Nat was staring at me suspiciously and after watching me try to walk in a straight line to the table stood up and helped me to the sofa.

"Y/N what's going on? You don't look good." She states, "I'm gonna go get your Mom she's better than me at this."
"No! Please don't. My head hurts so bad. I...I can't focus on anything and everything's spinning." Tears appear at the corners of my eyes as I explain.
"Ok, shhh." Nat says as she try's to keep me calm.
"Tony! Get Pepper! Somethings wrong with Y/N." She shouts. I hear a chair scape in the kitchen and the sound of hurried footsteps rushing out.

My eyes feel heavy, my head feels heavy. My body feels heavy. I just need to rest, I think. I let my eyes close and darkness consumes me quickly. I hear Natasha talking but I can't understand what she's saying; something about staying awake. But what harm will a little nap do? I let myself slip away, hoping that when I wake up I would feel better.

• Natasha's POV •

" Y/N! Wake up! Hey you gotta stay with me now. You can't go sleep! Your parents are on their way. We're gonna get you all better, ok? Just stay with me." I shouted as I tried to fight the panic that was riding rapidly in my chest.

Tony ran in with Pepper and Bruce behind him just as Y/N let herself slip out of conciseness. Bruce had his medical bad and immediately began examining her. Tony helped him, he couldn't just stand back and watch while his daughters life was at stake.

I stood with my arm around Peppers shoulders, forcing myself to stay calm.
"Morgan's going to wake up any minute. I can't go and pretend like everything's ok, Nat. I don't what to do. I don't want Morgan to see her sister like this!" Pepper told me sadly. I offered to look after Morgan and get her ready for school. I also told her that I wouldn't tell Morgan the exact state of her sister, just the fact that she wasn't well and wouldn't be coming to school.

Walking back through the compound towards the bedrooms, I let myself think about Y/N. I cared for her so much. What she had been through was horrible. No parents should treat a child as hers had. It makes me think of my time in the Red Room, and about my own sister. Yelena Belova. We aren't really sisters, merely a disguise for our 'parents' mission.

I reach Morgan's room and shake my head to clear it if any thoughts about Y/N or Yelena and pushed open the door. Morgan was buried under her spotty duvet, the only light coming from her floor length, light pink curtains that. I walked over to her bed and sat on the edge, flicking on the lamp next to her bed.
"Morgan. Sweetie, it's time to get ready for school." I whispered, shaking her gently. When she didn't move I went for the guaranteed tactic of tickling.

She giggled as she stretched her tired muscles, turning over to face me. She could barely keep her eyes open, so I picked her up and sat her on my lap, holding her close as she wrapped her arms around me. A few minutes later, she pulled her head away from my chest and looked at me properly.
"Where's Mommy?" She asked. I knew that was going to happen.
"She's looking after Y/N. She doesn't feel very well so she's going to stay home today. So I'm going to help you get ready today! Is that ok?" I ask.
"Yeah!" She shouts and jumps off my lap, running to her closet. She yanks the door open and I go to help her decide.
"What do you want to wear today, princess?"
"This!" She says, pointing to a comfy cardigan, a white T-Shirt and grey leggings. I pull them out and help her out of her flowery pyjamas, into her outfit of choice.

10 minutes later, Morgan's hair was done, her clothes and shoes on, her teeth brushed and her breakfast eaten.
"Ready to go?" I asked, grabbing the keys off the side. She nodded and jumped down from the table and walked with me out to the car that was already parked out front.
"Do I get to sit in the front today Auntie Nat?" She asks, her brown eyes filled with hope.
"Yep! Get in or we'll be late."

It takes 5 minutes to get to school, the traffic nonexistent. I drop her off and watch her until she's safely in the building before pulling away. I had a new thing on my mind.

After letting myself think about Yelena, it made me wonder where she is. I destroyed the Red Room a few years ago, so I know she's out of that despicable place. My new mission is to find her.

So, with both Y/N and Yelena taking up my brain, I make my way back to the compound, intending to check on Y/N and then talk to Fury about trying to locate Yelena.

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