Chapter 8- The day continues...

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After putting my bag in my locker (which I found surprisingly easily) and collecting my books and timetable from the office, it was time to find my first class.

This is when things started going wrong. It took me 5 minutes to find the correct room and by then everyone was already seated; meaning when I entered the room all eyes were on me. I hate it already.

Peter glances up at me obviously curious as to why I'm late. Everyone else begins whispering with each other, fascinated by my arrival.

"Y/N Stark?" A voice says, pulling me out of my anxiety-induced trance.
"Y...yes that's me." I reply, turning to look at the teacher.
"Right find a seat please, lessons have just begun. I hope you understand that at this school tardiness is not excepted." She tells me. I nod and make my way to the spare desk next to Peter. Whispers follow me.
"... did she say Stark?"
"Omg she is so not a Stark, look at her!"
"Look at her hair..."
"Stark only has one kid though??"

By the time I reach my desk, my eyes were watery and my cheeks were pink with embarrassment. Peter looks at me sympathetically and asks me if I'm ok. I've learned by now that sometimes saying you're fine is easier than explaining what's going on in your head so I reply with a simple, 'I'm fine' and a not so convincing smile.

~~ Time Skip To Last Lesson ~~

The rest of my day has been fine. The comments calmed down slightly; or at least people were being more discreet when talking about me. In turn, I kept my head down and just followed Peter and his friends Ned and MJ. Finally, we reached our last lesson. Gym.

Now it's not like I'm not able to do exercise, I trained at least twice a day Monday to Friday before I started school. This allowed me to feel excited about my lesson as I knew I could handle it. What I wasn't prepared for was how mean people could be.

After grabbing my kit from my locker, I hurried down to the sports hall and entered the changing room. Naturally, I was the topic of conversation.

I stood back by the door, listening to what they were saying. I knew I shouldn't but I couldn't stop myself.
"Have you seen her hair? It's horrible!"
"Ughhh I know. I'd be so embarrassed if I was her."
"Also, like surely she isn't a Stark. Starks are supposed to be confident and bold and arrogant. But she is like so... weird."
"Exactly what I was thinking!"

Not wanting to hear it anymore, I strode in and took my place at the benches. Rather than the conversation stopping, the volume only decreased. I got changed as quick as I could, feeling extremely self-conscious.

I sat down on the bleachers and saved a spot for my friends. They arrived shortly and MJ looked at me as though trying to guess how I was feeling.
"I heard what Liz and her minions were saying. Are you ok? They're just jealous." She tell me, rolling her eyes at the thought.
"I'm fine." I say for the second time that day.

Beginning the workout, I chose the harder one, I tried to block out my surroundings and focus on myself. It isn't hard as I've learnt to go into my own world when I exercise and I often use it as an escape from reality.

I was enjoying myself so much that I barely noticed that others had stopped and were just sat around taking until a boy walked up and stood over me.
"Hello Stark." The boy sneered.
"Hi." I say, conveying no emotion. I continued with my press ups until a foot hit my back, restricting my movement.
"Get off!" I tell him. In one quick movement, I flip myself round and grab his foot before pushing him back. He stumbled and his face contorted in anger.

I stood up and my eyes levelled with him. He pushed forwards and tried to punch me but I grabbed his fist and twisted as hard I could. That was one of the first things Auntie Nat taught me. He took a few steps back, gripping his wrist and cursing.
"God damn it Stark. Fuck you!" He shouting before turning and walking away. I storm after him but turned right into the girls changing rooms as he turned left into the boys.

I stood against the wall as punched it repeatedly as I tried to escape the noises filling my head. I gave up when it didn't help and instead locked myself in one of the toilet cubicles to cry without being seen.

A door opened and 2 pairs of footsteps entered. Someone knocked on the door.
"Y/N? Please come out. It's ok, no one's mad. Let me help you, please!" Morgan begged. She was one of a few people who knew how to help me when my mind got taken over by bad thoughts.

Not liking the thought of my sister being upset, I unlocked the door and allowed her to wrap her arms around me tightly.
"It's ok Y/N. Dads on his way, he'll help sort this out. You know he will." She said firmly.
"I messed up Morgan. I don't think Dad can get me out of this like he has other times." I tell her, stoking her hair.
"Dad can fix anything Y/N/N. Please don't worry."
"You're right Morgan. Dad will fix this." I lied.
"See you knew I was right. I'm always right. Now let's go see if Mom and Dad are here yet. Also, Peter is waiting outside."
"Of course he is." I smiled.

As soon as we stepped out of the changing rooms, Morgan ran to Peter and he congratulated her. MJ walked out behind us and watched the scene form the doorway. Thanks, I mouth and he smiled at me proudly. He always knows how to help me.

Then I saw my parents storming down the corridor towards us.
"Shit." I whisper before turning to face them.

"Y/N Maria Stark. I think we need to talk."

Forbidden Love (Yelena x Female Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin