Chapter 4- Changes

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Tony led me to a massive bathroom with marble countertops and a mirror that stretched the whole width of the wall. A few potted plants were carefully placed on the shelves between the 2 toothbrushes and 2 tubes of toothpaste. Natasha walked in behind us, a pair of scissors in her hand. She crouched down in front of me and looked me in the eye.
"You sure you wanna do this sweetheart?" She asked. I nodded my head, my mind made up.
"You heard the child, Nat! Now let's do this!" Tony said, running his hands together in anticipation.
"How short do you want it?" Nat asked, looking at me with gentle, patient eyes.
"Like yours please!" I told her, still eyeing her hair enviously. She nodded, a slight smile on her face.

Tony tried to grab the scissors from Nat but she moved them away from him, glaring at him and shaking her head. She obviously didn't trust him enough to do this.

Looking at her own hair in the mirror, she measured up my hair, marking the length with her fingers.
"Is this ok?" She asked, not wanting to get anything wrong for me.
"Yep!" I replied eagerly. I was so excited to have a change. My hair had never been cut and was rarely washed and brushed. Occasionally, I would sneak into my parents room to use my mums brush. Only when I was sure she wouldn't catch me of course. Typically this meant I could only do this (and other things to keep me clean, like brushing my teeth and washing my face properly) when my parents went out and left me alone; which also happened rarely.

Natasha hesitated, but finally made the first cut. A lock of my honey brown hair fell onto the expensive, tiled floor. I smiled and Natasha looked at her handiwork proudly. She made another cut and kept going until it was fairly even. The tangles must have made it hard but the end result was incredible!
"There you go hunny! Do you like it?" Nat asked.
"YESSSSS!" I exclaim, looking at it in the mirror.
"How about you have a shower and get cleaned up? You can wash your hair and we'll get you into some clean clothes! You'll feel nice and fresh!" Natasha suggested. I looked down, instantly feeling upset and embarrassed. Natasha noticing this glanced at Tony worriedly. He knew pretty much the same as she did except for the fact she was picked up off the street.

Pepper chose that moment to poke her head round the door to check on us. One glance at me hunched over, freshly cut hair covering my face and tears welling in my eyes was enough for her to practically run to me, kneeling in front of me and ignoring the hair that littered the floor.
"Hey baby, shhh it's ok. What happened?"
"I just... I'm sorry!" I sobbed, "I haven't showered in at least a year and I'm dirty and I don't have any other clothes and my hairs tangled and my teeth are yellow and I just..."
"Shhhh," Pepper said trying to calm me, "it's ok! It's not your fault. None of this is your fault. We can buy you new clothes, and you can shower now and we'll get your own toothbrush and toothpaste! We can make you feel nice and clean!" She declared.
"Of course hunny! Right, let's get you in the shower!" She said, standing up and shooing Tony out of the room. Natasha stood up reluctantly but I looked at her pleadingly.
"Will you stay Nat? Please." I asked she smiled in response and nodded.

An hour later and I was washed and dressed in one of Peppers t-shirts that was so big it acted as a dress on me. My hair was dry and, after a few more trims to tidy it up, was looking and feeling amazing!
"Later we will go out and buy you some new clothes! For now this will have to do, sorry!" Pepper told me as she put away her hairbrush and hairdryer. I didn't mind, it was nice to be in something that I hadn't worn a hundred times already.
"First, we need to get your room sorted! Come on...

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