In front of me towered the fenced-off territory of the private clinic where my wife was now. She's obviously having a hard time, and I should at least try to support her. At least we know for sure that no unexpected complications should arise. Although, of course, there is always the possibility that something will happen that was not part of our plans. I hope this won't happen.

I had to slow down my steps a lot and approach the entrance to the hospital grounds. A couple of guards at the entrance looked at me and immediately gave me the way. No, it wasn't that my father owns this place or anything like that, I just knew one of these people. He was a tall foreigner wearing dark glasses. He immediately gave way to me on the premises of the institution, and his colleague just followed the same example.

I nodded gratefully to Albert and moved on through the hospital grounds. I walked through the courtyard and examined this place again. Previously, I had to be here only once a few days ago, but that didn't mean that I couldn't enjoy the beauty of this place.

I was walking along a small stone path, and around me grew a lot of tall cherry trees that have existed here for many years. Now, unfortunately, due to the time of year, I was not lucky enough to see the beautiful rose petals of sakura here, but this did not mean that without them this place loses its sophistication. In fact, I even wonder how beautiful this place will look in a few months when it snows.

Some people passing by gave me strange looks, but I didn't pay attention to it. Maybe they were worried about why sweat was running down my hair and face or something like that. In any case, I was in too much of a hurry to focus on it.

When I entered the building, I immediately went to the girl sitting at the table at the entrance. This nice lady accepted my documents and told me where I should go. I immediately headed towards the elevator, hoping to get to the right floor faster.

When I found myself inside an empty elevator, my legs weakened. I only wanted to get to Hiyori, but because of all these experiences, I felt tired. It feels like I've been worrying about everything all day. Well, basically, Hiyori is almost the whole world to me, so that's fair.

The elevator doors opened a few floors higher, and I immediately went out into the corridor. The whole place was almost pure white, which was very reminiscent of a White Room, but, thank Eris, it wasn't. I walked to the right door and stopped in front of a man who had just left this room. He nodded to me and left, although I didn't even have time to ask him anything.

Maybe this gesture meant that everything was fine and I could enter, but I wasn't sure. Although I still managed to grab the door handle, I couldn't turn it to open the door. No, it wasn't that the door was closed or anything like that. Most likely, my body was bound by invisible chains for some reason. It seemed like I couldn't move at all.

That's what they call fear, right? I would not like to experience this pernicious feeling right now, when it is very important for me to find out what is happening there. I took a deep breath into my lungs and exhaled slowly, calming myself down. I was going to open the door this time, but someone opened it a little before me and immediately slipped out of the hospital room.

- Huh??

- Hmm?

We stared at each other in disbelief. It was a young girl, carelessly dressed in her uniform. I would assume it's a nurse or something. She quickly recovered, shook her head in different directions and stared at me with a slightly more serious look.

"Are you Mr. Ayanokoji?"

- Yes, it's me.

- The birth ended about 15 minutes ago. Your wife is currently resting in this ward. You can check on her if you want.

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