Chapter 24

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This is a continuation of chapter 23, read that chap before this one,

Sean's Pov

After saying farewell to Lisa we were back in the car and driving on the highway once again.

I didn't expect for the pumpkin patch to be that enjoyable but I was proven wrong with the way Samuel lit up. Personally pumpkins and all that jazz wasn't that exciting for me but it was for Samuel and that's all that matters.

Our pumpkins now lay in the backseat together as me and Samuel sat upfront. This time instead of his hand being connected with mine, my hand now laid in his lap, him silently messing with the rings on my fingers.

Every now and then he would take some of the rings off and switch them to different fingers, then take them off again and switch them again. Weirdo.

"So are we going to your secret hideout or something" Samuel perks suddenly, my hand in his lap flexing from surprise.

"No, we're going somewhere to eat," I reply, calmly.

"Where?" He questions further.

"Wait and see."

Samuel gave one last glance my way before turning towards the radio. I watched through my peripheral as he began to flip through radio stations before I heard an unfamiliar tone.

He turns up the volume slightly, leaning back in his seat as the upbeat songs starts to play.

"Who's this?" I question, when I hear him humming the lyrics.

"Upcoming artist," He responds, giving me a look like he was trying not to get mad about the fact that I didn't know the song.

"Are they any good?" I ask, trying to keep the conversation going.

"To me he's great, but that's my opinion," He sighs, before continuing to play with my rings.

I nod silently, a calm silence ringing out along with the slightly upbeat sound of a song I've come to know as As Long as You Care by Ruel. We only drive a little further, not long before we pull into the parking lot of a cute mom and pop cafe.

Once again I shut off the car, quickly getting out and coming to Samuel's side and opening the door for him.

"So chivalry isn't dead," He jokes, getting out of the open door.

"Apparently not," I shrug, the smile on his face only growing brighter.


I lock the car and swiftly grab onto his hand, hoping that he wouldn't notice the slight clamy feeling I'm sure was there.

As we head through the parking lot Samuel gives my hand a reassuring squeeze making my heart pulse.

A little bell jingles over our heads as we enter, catching the attention of the lady at the front. "Hello and welcome to Cassidy's cafe," She greets warmly.

She grabs two menus then motions for us to follow as she give us a table at the back. "Call when your ready to order," She smiles again, disappearing behind the counter.

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