Chapter 21

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3rd person pov

"You're late."

"Incorrect, I'm exactly 1 minute early." Sean replied slowly.

"No, I got here at 8:54 and you got here at 8:55, therefore you are late." Samuel replied back, leaning against his car.

"You never gave me a specific time to be here." If Sean could remember correctly Samuel had only told him to show up to school, never a time.

"Doesn't matter" Samuel argued childishly. He didn't really care that he got here before Sean, he was just feeling a little dramatic this morning.

"Matter of fact for all this trouble you're causing me you should owe me" Samuel huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Exactly what do I owe you?" Sean asked, raising a questioning brow.

"Work and labor."

"What labor?" Sean questioned, feigning off laughter.

"I had to stand here by myself for a whole 60 seconds" Samuel defended poorly. Messing with Sean was turning out to be more fun then he originally thought.

"Ok then" Sean shrugged pulling out his wallet. "How much do I owe you?" Samuel said nothing as he watched in amusement as Sean pulled out a card.

"Do you have Venmo?"

"No but I do have cash app" Samuel chuckled silently. Sean was even going along with his joke to the very end.

"What's your username" Sean asked, leaning up off his car and walking over to Samuel.

Samuel tried to stifle his laughter as Sean came closer to him. When he finally stood in front of him he decided to let him off.

"Bigpapa123" Samuel laughed shoving Sean on the shoulder slightly.

"Ok you should get the money later today."

They both snickered quietly as they made there way to the entry of the school. As the two walked into the school there attention was immediately directed elsewhere.

"All seniors report to the football field" The lady at the front desk chanted. Every couple of seconds they would yell the same thing again. "All seniors report to the football field!"

Just as they said this Samuel looked to Sean, both sharing the same look of confusion. After a moment Sean just shrugged before they both turned and went back out the school towards the field.

Once there Samuel spotted Aria but she simply sent him a thumbs up and turned the other way. The same was said for Sean as he spotted the devious Jess making her way to hide in the crowd.

Both girls made sure they were no where to be found in the matter of seconds.

"Take 1 take 2" A dry voice croaked into the microphone.

All attention was directed to a bald headed man standing on a small podium. Next to him was a man in a red jumpsuit that looked like he was some sort of coach.

"Attention attention" The bald headed man called, everyone quieting down and looking in his direction.

"Now that I have your attention I would like to give the mic to Coach Nelson" The man rasped before stepping down.

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