Chapter 16

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Samuel's pov

After our ordeal with the homophobic bums, I told Sean to follow my car to my house.

It was a short drive for the most part, aside from my boiling frustration and anger. I hadn't had to fight since my sophomore year, other wise from punching Sean that one time.

All because of this one minuscule video I had to step out of my comfort zone in order to put that guy back into his place.

But I wouldn't let what happened with those guys bother me. I was almost home and home is where food lies. Food is like a remedy for a broken heart.

My house comes into sight, as I pull into the drive way with Sean's car pulling in directly next to mine. I make sure I have my bag and get out of the car heading towards the front door.

Sean's exits his car too and that's when I notice the bruise on his hand. It's split across 3 of his fingers, with some blood dried around it.

Noticing my gaze on his hand Sean tries to shield his hand behind his back.

"Too late, already seen it."

Sean just huffs in response and follows me as I unlock the front door.

"Mom!" I yell, receiving no response. It's then when I remember the note she left saying she wouldn't be back till later on tonight.

I let Sean in the house, pulling off my shoes moving them out of the way. Sean follows behind me and removes his shoes as well. I look down to see 2 black socks on his feet.

Even his socks are black I laugh to my self.

"Leave your bag here" I say to Sean, him just shaking his head in understanding.

Wonder why he's not talking anymore.

Telling him to follow me upstairs, I lead Sean into the bathroom. He looks at me weirdly while looking around the bathroom in interest.

"Sit here" I point to the now closed toilet seat.

Sean just sits and casts his gaze to the towel rack behind me. The towels suddenly becoming the most interesting thing in the bathroom. Moving towards the cabinet under the sink, I pull out the first aid kit and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide.

Kneeling in front of Sean's knees, with the supplies next to me, I look up at him expectedly. Sean freezes when he notices my position and I see the heat rise to his cheeks casting a very light blush onto his face.

"What?" He mutters avoiding all eye contact with me.

"Give me your hand" I say holding out my own hand. He nods slowly parting his knees so I can sorta rest between then. He then moves his hands towards mine until it's resting in my palm.

I look at his hand intently, the ring on his pointer finger now stained with blood. Slowly removing the ring off his finger, Sean winces slightly as it passed over the cut.

I take out some cotton balls along with some alcohol pads and begin to clean his knuckles. Sean doesn't say anything and neither do I as I fix up his hand.

As I move from finger to finger I can feel Sean's eyes on me, watching me work. "What's your favorite candy?" I ask suddenly the silence becoming deafening.

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