Chapter 7

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Guess who's failing all there classes .....this guy :)

I'm still updating anyways so enjoy y'all.


Third person pov

As expected the days following Samuel avoided Sean.

Whenever they would make eye contact Samuel would look away. If they so happened to be in the same hallway Samuel would immediately walk the other way. It was like something out of a cheesy movie.

Never had Samuel ever thought that he would be in this predicament.

In the classes they shared together Samuel made sure to have his seat as far away from Sean as possible.

Despite the feeling that someone was looking at him, Samuel never turned his head to see who, even though it was obvious who the person was.

Everyday for a week Samuel took the same actions.

Go in.

Avoid you know who.

Go out.

Samuel even made sure to come to school early so he could park his car without having to see Sean, since they shared the same parking space.

Now this may seem dramatic but the school year had already begun and there were no other spaces that weren't already occupied, so Samuel was stuck.

Still he found a way.

Samuel's ability to avoid Sean lasted a whole entire week before it came crashing down.

Samuel thought his plan was flawless and there was no way it would fail. Although Samuel seemed to forgot one thing or to be more specific one person.


The whole week Samuel went about his plan forgetting that his best friend was watching closely behind.

Whenever Samuel would see Sean and abruptly change his course of direction, Aria saw.

Whenever the two would hold eye contact just for Samuel to turn away quickly, Aria saw that.

Whenever Aria would come to school just to see Samuel's car already there. The same Samuel that would die before coming to school early, with his car parked and him already inside.

Aria saw, she saw everything.

At first she was unsure of what was going on with her best friend but it wasn't until she saw Sean, she figured it out.

Anyone with a brain would know something happened between the two. The tension that clouded them was so thick that if you got too close you could possibly suffocate.

And as Aria watched her best friend duck and dive in the presence of Sean she knew that her suspicions were correct.


Samuel's Pov


The best and the worst day of the week.

I luckily had survived the whole week without the running into you know who.

It might seem overly dramatic that i'm choosing to avoid him, but I honestly don't know what else i'm suppose to do.

So since I don't know what to do until I figure it out I'm going to hide. Even thought it's a bitch move I guess I'll just have to be that bitch for the time being.

The start of the day was fine, telling that I was able to successfully avoid Sean in the parking lot and in the hallway.

Finally it was lunch time and I was going to just go home, another piece of my plan to avoid Sean. As soon as the bell rang I was up and out the door before anyone would catch up to me.

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