Chapter 18

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Samuel's pov

Throughout the entirety of my life, I've never found myself envying another. I had what I wanted, I was smart, I had decent looks, and I could defend myself if needed.

Why would I need to envy someone?

I even had a good supportive best friend and mother. Nothing can get better than that, right?

Wrong, so very wrong.

I couldn't believe it when I found myself feeling emotions I've never felt before. The wretched feeling that people described as jealousy.

Even the word itself made my stomach churn and twist into knots. I wanted to believe that maybe it was something else. Perhaps a stomach ache or my body shutting down from fatigue.

But once I saw the events that carried out in the classroom, I couldn't help but sink into the truth.

The truth that me, Samuel with great looks, who was smart, got what he wanted, who could also defend himself when needed. Even had a supportive mother and a great best friend.

Was jealous.

Jealous of a girl, who only reached my chest in height. A girl who so I don't even know the name of. A girl who seemed to be at Sean's hip every moment of the day. A girl that irritated and annoyed me just because. A girl that would be an easy kill, if I was feeling for it.

(a/n: kill as in death, not fuck)

I wanted to act normal and cordial for the simple fact that I didn't want my jealously to mess with the relationship me and Sean were building.

We had only really been friends for about a week or so and I didn't want something so stupid to mess that up.

For the most part I did consider Sean a friend. We've 
been over to each other's houses. We've talked in and out of school hours. We even had assigned seats next to each other. Our fricking cars are in the same parking area.

If that didn't qualify as enough to be considered a friend, then I don't know what will.


Throughout the whole ride to my house, I was stiff and uncomfortable in my seat. After we had left the school I didn't utter a word to Sean.

He didn't try to strike conversation either, but I kinda expected that. Every conversation we've had I was always the one to initiate it. I knew Sean was on the quieter side, but a piece of me was upset at the fact that he didn't try to figure out why I was so quiet.

I was glad that we had separate cars, so I could take the time to revaluate myself. I didn't quite know why I was feeing so bothered by the interactions between Sean and the girl.

Before I could even begin to grasp the fact of my emotions I saw my house come into sight. Sighing out tiredly, I pull into my driveway Sean coming in beside me.

Breathing in deeply I try to push my emotions back, gathering enough strength to step out of the car. I rake over the driveway to see Sean step out of his car also. He cast me another nervous glance as I try to keep my emotions at bay.

Casting my gaze back down, I smile idly as I see the bag of snacks that Sean gave me laying in the back seat of my car.

I bet that girl didn't get this. Ha!

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