Chapter 22

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Samuel's pov

"What are you doing here?"

There was a long pause after my question as the silence cascaded around us like a brisk wind. My gaze narrowed and shoulders tight with anticipation as my patience ticked away.

"I came to apologize" Aria sighed, looking at me sympathetically. "Properly."

Currently I had just pulled into my driveway after coming from Sean's house when I saw Aria standing on my porch.

After me and Sean had left the mall we had gotten food and spent the rest of the afternoon together. I was just now getting home and it was about 8 p.m.

Sun already set as darkness filled the sky, the cold winds reminding me of the change in weather.

Hearing shuffling in front of me I look to my best friend, remorse swimming in her eyes. "Ok."

Tiredly I motion to the porch, sitting on the steps as Aria lands beside me. Silence mellows out as I count the seconds of my intakes of breaths. Aria appeared to be getting herself together from the way she shook her head or muttered every couple of seconds. 

I didn't ignore the way her hands shook slightly or the murmurs she let out as she sighed over and over. Although I witnessed the obvious inner turmoil going on I didn't intervene nor speak up as whatever Aria had to say had to be on her own free will. I wouldn't push her to apologize, she had to do it on her own accord. Willingly and genuinely. 

"I'm sorry" She starts, taking a deep breath. "What I did to you was wrong and I didn't really understand at the moment." Taking a breath of my own I exhale calmly before turning to Aria, giving her my full undivided attention.

"I thought we were all just having fun and messing around, but I didn't notice that I was taking it to far. When I posted the video I didn't have any intentions of getting you into any problems. And I'm so sorry that I did." She pauses once again for a moment and I hear a sniffle come from her. She quickly wipes away any evidence of tears as she struggles to stay strong under my calculating gaze.

"I'm sorry that I got defensive too. It wasn't my place to feel the way I felt after what I did. And how I spoke to you wasn't ok either since you were the one out on the internet and not me. And I'm so so sorry for putting you and Sean in that position, I never wanted it to turn out like this. I never expected it too turn out like this. I just thought it would be a bit of fun and now it's not a-"

She doesn't let the tears hide as they leak and land onto her cheeks. Sobs rack her body as she turns away from me completely and desperately try's to hold herself together. I feel my heart clench painfully but I don't move to comfort her as she lets out all of what was pent up inside of her. I stay silent even though it hurts, the sound of Aria's muffled cry's the only sound between us.

"I-I never wanted to hurt you" She mumbles, voice hoarse. I catch sight of her roughly drying her face with her sleeve as she picks herself up off the steps. She turns to me, mascara running down her cheeks and sends me and a sad smile.

"Sorry for coming unannounced I just wanted to ap-"

Jumping up I grab Aria and pull her into a hug as she doesn't even try to hold it in any longer. I feel as she begins to cry into my chest, her silently repeating weak I'm sorrys over and over again.

"It's okay, I swear it's ok." I run my hand up her back gently as she clutches onto me for dear life. I feel my shirt dampen with her sadness, the sight of my best friend like this having tears of my own prick at my eyes.

In only a few more minutes Aria's pulling away trying to put back on her cool and calm stature. It was rare to see her genuinely crack and whenever she did I hated it. I only knew what is was like to see my best friend really break.

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