Chapter 17

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Samuel's pov

It seemed to be that time was on my side Tuesday, because the day came and went.

Nothing much happened otherwise from a rerun of Monday. Lots of stares, whispers, and teachers sabotaging me. It seemed to be that any class I had with Sean, which was only 1st period and last period, suddenly had new assigned seats with mine directly next to his.

At first the thought of being remotely close to Sean had bothered me, for the simple fact of the way how we met. But as the time went on and we had numerous conversations inside and outside of school, I've come to find out that mostly everything was all in my head.

Sean was everything I never expected him to be. From the first few weeks of school, I would've figured that Sean was this rude arrogant guy that lived with a shitty attitude and thought everyone was beneath him.

It seemed to be that the night of the party was a turning point for me in many aspects. That night I got past the stereotypical mindset that was tied around me, and became more observant. More accepting.

I never would've pitched Sean to be the type to have his nose buried in a book. Or have a strong passion for writing. I could've guessed that he played soccer but it was still a surprise.

I had this insight on him just from his demeanor instead of who he really was. And although I didn't quite know him, otherwise from our weird interactions, I still based him off of something I conjured up in my head.

The worst picture of what he could be. The perfect real life example of judging a book by it's cover.

A part of me was upset that I didn't open up my mind and envision a better picture. But then again I'm glad. Glad for the fact that I've imagined the worse so now I can see the best.

All the worst possible thoughts and concerns outshined by the nice personality and intriguing mindset that Sean held. Something I never considered to imagine.

I found myself looking forward to coming to school on Tuesday, for the simple fact that I wanted to know more. I found myself waiting by my car in the morning for Sean to show up. Anticipating his arrival, just so I could see him.

When our seats where changed in first period I felt a spark of excitement, for the simple fact that I wanted to pick his brain some more. I found myself intrigued and infatuated with the personality that I never knew Sean could have.

As the day went on I heavily looked forward to last period. When it did finally come around, Sean told me about the various amount of books that he read over the summer.

I couldn't help but listen intently, about the book where a witch searches around the enchanted underworld to find a potion to cure her daughter, who was cursed.

For most this might've seemed like the stupidest thing on the earth. Who would want to read this? Never the less, who would be dumb enough to want to listen to somebody talk about this?

Well, I guess I was the dumbest person on earth, because I found myself questioning every little thing as Sean desperately tried to get through the summary.

Soon enough the period was over and I found myself telling Sean that on Wednesday we would work at my house again.

That afternoon was dull and very boring. As the night came and went, once again I found myself looking forward to going to school on Wednesday.

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