Chapter 6

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Posted later then usual cause i'm severely lazy.


3rd person pov

"I can't do this."

Samuel kept his eyes closed as he spoke the following words and awaited for Sean's reply. He didn't know why he just made out with Sean, and he especially didn't know why he enjoyed it.

"You're right" Sean sighed, easing up off Samuel a little.

Even though his body craved it Sean knew deep down that Samuel was right. He shouldn't have kissed him even though he wanted it. Based off Samuel's reaction it's clear that he wanted it just as much.

Samuel still kept his position with his hands around Sean's neck and his legs around his waist, not moving an inch.

"You say we can't do this but you won't let go " Sean whispered, brushing his thumb over Samuel's red exposed collarbone.

Although Samuel said they couldn't do this Sean desperately wished Samuel would say never mind and they could continue as before but sadly that never came.

Samuel slowly unhooked himself from Sean and began to look down away from His gaze.

"I'm leaving now but we can work on the project another time " Samuel said finally looking up. It only lasted a second before he began to look away not able to meet Sean's eyes.

For some reason all of Samuel's confidence drained from his body and all he could do was look down at his books that lay on floor.

Sean nodded his head disappointed and leaned up off Samuel, setting him free. Sean watched as Samuel came down from the table and grabbed his things from the floor quickly.

Not a second later he was a out the door mumbling a goodbye.

As soon as Samuel left the house the biggest smile spread across Sean's face. Even though what just went down would most likely keep him up at night, Sean was happy.

For the first time in a long time Sean was happy.

He didn't know what he felt. His lips still tingled and his stomach was hot. His hair was messy and lips were a little swollen. His little friend was also awake.

Sean looked at himself in the mirror and smiled at his reflection.

Deep down he knew that later his sudden lighten in mood would wear off and the overthinking would come, but for now he decided to just settle into his happiness.

Samuel quickly walked down the long drive way and to his car. Once inside and safe he let out the biggest sigh known to man.

"Oh my god" Samuel gasped, dragging out each word.

He didn't know that Sean was going to kiss him and he definitely didn't know he was going to kiss him back.

Sean. The person he's supposed to hate. The alleged bad boy. Someone who he has known for 2 days. The list goes on and on and Samuel couldn't seem to wrap his head around the events that just occurred.

But what seemed to overpower all of the other thoughts was the fact that he enjoyed it. No no enjoyed was in a understatement, he loved it. Even as he sat in his car his body ached to go back and let Sean ravish him.

I need to go home.

With that thought Samuel reversed out of Sean's long ass drive way and through the gates.

Why is his house so big, Samuel mumbled, turning out of the front gates.

He knew when he got home he needed to go straight into the shower. A hot shower always seemed to calm his thoughts.

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