"Can I ask you something?" She nodded looking at me. "Could you be less touchy with her? I'm still adjusting and I get jealous and then I get in my head and I think it's annoying Nell because she's constantly reassuring me and I can't lose her so I'm trying. I promise I'll get over it eventually I just worry that she'll realise she wants someone that's not me. That's you. I mean have you seen yourself. You're confident and fun and you're both so similar. And you're stunning and perfect." I rambled on and Scarlett cut me off placing a hand on my knee. "It's you she wants, I won't take her away from you because she wouldn't dream of leaving you, Liz." I chewed my lip. "Last night when you were all drunk and clingy and needed help she was right there by your side looking after you and she didn't once roll her eyes she had this goofy smile on her face as she looked at you. She's falling for you." "She told me she loved me." I blurt out. Scars eyes go wide.

"Really! When?" "Day before my birthday," I say with a sheepish smile. "When did it happen? Like what were you doing?" I blushed hard and Scarlett's eyes widened more. "My back was hurting from training." She nodded. "So she gave me a massage and she was kissing my back and it felt really good." She chuckled. "And I rolled over and she was confused and then one thing lead to another. And when we spoke before I admitted to falling for her and she said she'd catch me always. And she asked me if I would catch her and I said always and then she kissed me and every emotion I felt is indescribable it was so overwhelming and then she said it the three little words and my heart it felt like it was going to explode and I said it back and then we did it, well she did me?" I frown tilting my head. "And she was really sweet about it and she kept checking I was okay because it was my first time with a woman and I had been nervous about it." "Wait that was your first time? But you've been dating for months." "I was anxious about it and she understood. She's the most considerate person ever." I gush. "Why were you so nervous?" "Because she's had sex with you and you're you so it was hot sex." "How would you know you weren't there. It was drunk sloppy sex." She corrected. I closed my eyes not wanting to picture them around Nell's apartment. "I just didn't want her to compare it and if it was bad... But my sisters came home before I could do anything for her." "Are you freaking out?" "A little. I mean I don't know what she likes or how to do it or what I'm doing at all." I rush out. 

"Breathe for like two seconds." She says standing up and closing the door before sitting beside me again. "You'll know what to do." "Everyone says that," I say frustrated my emotions taking over. "Because it's true." "Well, I don't know what to do." "You've done it to yourself before." "Bold of you to assume." She gave me a knowing smirk and I blushed harder. "You're not very quiet, Olsen." "Scarlett!" I scold and hit her. "You said she's understanding. She'll understand." "If it's bad." "I didn't say that." "What if I don't get her to finish? Then she'll leave me." "She's not bothered about sex, Liz." "How do you know?" "Because I'm her friend and we talk. And I've known her for a year now and physical touch isn't her love language, she hates it. I had to force her to hug me." She looks at me. "She does it for you because she knows that's how you need love expressed to you. So she's not going to be bothered if you don't have sex or you're bad at it. She just likes time with you..." I nodded not believing her. 

"MK. I swear to god if you break that, I'll kill you!" I hear Nell call out and then footsteps hammering down the hall before the door burst open. MK had Nell's camera in her hands and Nell come in she looked rather annoyed. "Give it back." "No, I want to play with it." "It's not a toy give it back." "I want it." "You're a child," Nell says. I looked between them. "Mary-Kate give it to her." "But look." She crouched down and Nell rolled her eyes as MK showed me the screen. She was flicking through photos of last night, I didn't even realise she had brought it with her. They were photos of everyone. "Give it." I pouted she didn't take photos of me. Like always. 

"Give it to her," I say snatching it from her and handing it to Nell. She checked it wasn't broken. Before she left in a huff. "Thank you for putting her in a fantastic mood before she goes to see her brother," I say standing up. "Sorry," MK says and I left to find Nell. "Is it working okay?" "The lens is scratched but it's fine." She says sitting on my bed not even remotely ready for today. "You know you need to get dressed, bug," I tell her. "Why?" "Because we're going to your mums." "And I'm staying there so If I don't get dressed technically it doesn't matter because I'm going home." I forgot she was staying with her mum now the festivities are over. "Can't you stay here a little longer?" "I wish I could but I promised Cassie." I nodded understanding. 

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