Level of fruity + Ship rants (Friends)

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Rachel Green: She is definitely bisexual. 102552629574/10 fruity. We all know it.

Ross Geller: You know the guy that's so straight he's gay? This is Ross. 5/10 fruity. I can see him dating a guy but he's not 100% homo.

Monica Geller: I can see her with a woman 100%. 7/10 fruity.

Phoebe Buffay: Honestly I was surprised she wasn't cast as queer. 7/10. I just know she has the earrings. Iykyk.

Joey Tribbiani: He does give off subtle *does the hand thing* vibes. 5/10.

Chandler Bing: I know it's been talked about on the show and we know canonically he is straight. However, I do think that he has the potential to date a guy. 4/10.

SHIPS RANTS: (I decided to combine the chapters since there's only six characters for this fandom and there's really only three ships)

Rossel (Rachel + Ross):

I love it. It was super adorable at the beginning and I was super happy when they got back together at the end because they left little hints throughout later seasons but not giving the real thing.

Rachel + Joey:

This kind of hurt my heart because Rachel had to break Joey's heart. I wouldn't choose Rachel and Joey over Rachel and Ross but I did like it as it was, I just didn't see them as more than friends.

Mondler (Monica + Chandler):

Fucking love it. Didn't see it coming but love what it turned into. Chandler actually being mature and in a loving steady relationship made him so cheesy though, it felt like every other episode he was going all mushy on Monica, but it was still cute.

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