Level of fruity (TVD)

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A/N: Please note that I'm not being serious with this nor do I claim this to be canon. There's no way to really tell if someone is part of the LGBTQ+ community unless they have it written on their shirt or if they straight up tell you, something that's solid evidence.

Elena Gilbert: Bisexual, definitely. 10/10. I know she doesn't get with a girl in the show, but I think if she met the right girl she'd go for it. 

Stefan Salvatore: 3/10. Fruity potential. 

Damon Salvatore: 5/10. I can kind of see him with a dude or a they/them. Not to mention Kaimon. 

Bonnie Bennett: 8/10. I don't want to mess with Benzo, but she's probably not straight. 

Caroline Forbes: 6/10. Quite fruity, but still not entirely. 

Jeremy Gilbert: 4/10. He seems pretty straight, and he does act like it, but I can definitely see him with a guy. 

Alaric Saltzman: 0/10. Straight as a line. 

Tyler Lockwood: 2/10. I don't really see it, but it's not impossible.

Matt Donovan: 2/10 fruity. He has slight potential but I dunno.

Lexi Branson: 9/10 fruity. I can't really see her with a guy, honestly. 

Katherine Pierce: 6/10. I don't see her as a lesbian, but she could definitely get with a girl if she wanted to and I don't think it's beyond her.

Klaus Mikaelson: 3/10. I think he could get with a guy or they/them, but he's not a full-blown orchard.

Elijah Mikaelson: 3/10. He has fruity potential, but it's not right up front. 

Rebekah Mikaelson: 458346512964/10. She is a bisexual queen. There's absolutely no convincing me that she is straight. What her brothers lack in fruitiness she more than makes up for it.

Kol Mikaelson: 3/10. He seems pretty straight, but then again there is possibility. 

Hayley Marshall: Honestly she definitely gives me bisexual vibes. 9/10.

Davina Claire: I don't really see gender having a major influence on how she chooses a significant other, but then again she does give off straight girl vibes. 6/10.

Enzo St. John: I mean, maybe, but it's a stretch to me. 2/10. 

Kai Parker: 8/10. I don't think gender would make that much of a difference to him, and he did say he'd be fine with inheriting Luke's gay. Again, Kaimon. 

Silas: I can kind of see it. 7/10 fruity.

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