Spencer Reid alphabet

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A/n: Some of these are with early Spencer in mind and others with later Spencer, and since there's such a contrast some might slightly contradict each other or not fit in with the version you imagine. Also it's my first time watching through so some of these might have an answer different to what is canon. Apologies in advance!

A- Affection (Do they show affection often? How so?)

He likes to show affection all in one sitting. He so rarely gets a break that he usually just wants to spend it with you when he feels that he has spent too much time not doing so.

B- Baby (How are they as a parent/How do they react to your pregnancy?)

He freaks out at first. What with mental illness being hereditary in his family and his consuming job, he worries that the child will not grow up happy. However this leads him to vow to be the best dad ever and he holds to that promise.

C- Care (Their love language? Who takes care of who?)

It's a mutual caring for situation, and his love language is quality time for sure. He feels that you really get to know a person through meaningful conversation and being around them.

D- Dancing (Do they dance with you? How and where?)

He has very little feet-eye coordination when he has to think about it, the most he can do is sway side to side with his arms around your waist. He'll dance if you really beg him to.

E- Extra (Any headcanon)

The employees from some of his frequents (a fast food restaraunt, etc.) know him. Not because he's on the news, but because he's there so often and they all survey you when he takes you to one of these places, trying to determine if you pass the vibe check or not.

F- Fortunate (Do they appreciate you? How do they show it?)

Where would his life be without you? He makes time for you. He has very little, so it means a lot that he wants to spend it with you.

G- Gorgeous (Their favorite physical feature on you?)

Hair. He loves helping you with it, it's soothing for him to braid it, brush it, or just massage your scalp.

H- Happy (Something about you that always cheers him up?)

The fact that you actually listen to him, it's a given. If during the middle of a briefing Hotch tells him to stop his tangent, you'll approach him later and ask him what else he was going to say on the topic.

I- Insecure (What would make them insecure?)

For early Spence at least: buff, smooth talking studs. He knows what features are considered attractive and knows that he doesn't excel in athleticism or flirtation.

J- Jealous (What would make them jealous/how do they react to you being jealous?)

He's a little surprised that you're jealous because you both know that he never gives you reason to be.

K- Kids (Do they like/want kids?)

For early Spencer it's canon that he's awkward with kids, Hotch says it in season one. But we also see that canonically he is very patient and good with kids, whether it be someone involved in a case or with Henry. As for actually parenting one, however, it's a passion of his that took him by surprise.

L- Love (Do they say 'I love you' first/how?)

He says it first, and he kind of blurts it out.

M- My love (Nicknames?)

He doesn't call you cheesy nicknames a lot, rather he calls you by your name because it's more personal, or some totally random nickname that you acquired one time you two were together.

N- Needy (Do they need you? Do they ask for attention?)

He usually doesn't ask for attention, but you know when to give it because you know him so well. 

O- Often (Something that they never forget to do to/with/for you?)

He always says good morning and good night.

P- PDA (How like are they to show affection in public, and what are their limits?)

PDA really isn't his thing, to be quite honest. If you're in a crowd he'll hold your hand or waist, but that's about it.

Q- Questions (What do they ask you often, or what is something they ask you that catches you by surprise?)

Spencer's the type to know when something like a headache or cramps are bothering you, so he asks if you need him to turn down the lights, get a heating pad or water, etc. It surprises you that he notices when little issues like that appear for you.

R- Reading (Do they read to you/you to them? What book and how do you do it?)

This man loves reading, we all know it, so sharing his love for literature is something he thoroughly enjoys. He's really good at reading them in a storyteller's voice, lowering it during parts of suspense and doing little voice impressions. (A/n: Dude I can picture him reading to y/n like reading a picture book to a child like when they lay against your back aksfhaskfs cute)

S- Simp (How bad have they got it for you?)

Whipped. Mans would die for you. It shows.

T- (Tired how do they act when they're/you're tired? How do you treat each other?)

It's kind of an unspoken thing when you're tired that you both just coexist so naturally. You'll both be padding around the apartment in silence, one brewing coffee for both of you and the other flipping through channels.

U- Understanding (What do you two have that just goes without saying/when are you two most in sync?)

Like the above one, mutual exhaustion is when you best read each other's minds. You know the routine when you come home tired from a case. 

V- Vacation (Where do they take you, what do you do?)

Despite his vast knowledge of tourism attractions across the globe, he doesn't really get much time to experience luxury and non-dangerous excitement, so he doesn't know where to take you. You probably picked a place at random, or just asked Garcia. Either way it's a learning experience for both of you.

W- Wedding (How do they propose, do they want to get married, how are they on their wedding day?)

He looks you straight into your soul through your eyes when he gives his proposal speech. He wants more than anything to get married.

X- Text (How do they text?)

He doesn't use his cell unless he has to, and would rather hear the sound of your voice than black and white letters.

Y- You (Your favorite thing about them?)

His passion for the things he loves. He loves to talk about them and gets so excited ranting about them.

Z- ZZZ (Sleeping? Cuddles?)

Mans is the most chaotic sleeper I swear to god. It's a (scientifically backed) theory that the brightest minds are usually the most physically disorganized, like how smart people have bad handwriting? Yeah, that's him. Good news is that he sleeps like the dead when he's in a comfortable enough position.

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