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566 10 1

Summary: You and Kai, mortal enemies, become trapped in the 1903 prison world. You can imagine your shock when he starts taking care of you when you get sick. 

Requested sensitive female human!reader (assuming she's human, the reader gets sick)

A/n: Thank you so much @kttt88888 for the request! It took me a minute to write this and I'm so sorry for the wait. I haven't written a full-length chapter in a minute so bear with me. Hope you like it :)

TW: Cursing, reader gets sick, food and medicine, reader kinda mentions she wouldn't mind dying, enemies to not-really-enemies?

. . .

"I fucking hate you!"

"The feeling is mutual, kid!" I could hear the warlock holler back from the doorway. Soon after, I heard the door of 'his' empty house close.

"You're three years older than me!" I growled, not turning back to look at the man again.

Fucking Bonnie leaving me here with this chip-munching asshat. I'm gonna kill her. I huffed, pulling my jacket tighter around my body and quickening my steps. I just need to find a house far enough away from him. 

And so I began my walk down the dirt road, houses lined up on either side. The houses were all identical, small and boxed and painted white with small porches circling around the house.

 As soon as I found myself unable to see the house that the warlock had claimed, I turned to enter one of the identical white-walled houses.  Unfortunately fate had decided it was not my day and as it had turned out, the door was locked. Soon after, the clouds had started to empty themselves of the frozen water they carried, proving again just how little luck I had in this prison world.

Lovely. Just what I needed. I bit down on my tongue to keep my teeth from chattering, yanking a hairpin out of my pocket and forcing back tears.

My hands had quickly become too numb from the cold to pick the lock, and by the time I had tried and failed to break down the door and then windows I was soaked from the snow having clung to me and drank the heat from my skin. 

I shouted a curse through a clenching throat. Tears were spilling now as I shrank into myself, sat curled on the damp wooden boards of the porch.

For half a second, I contemplated just going back to Kai's house. Then the memories of the man in question came back and the idea was then off the table. I'd rather freeze than spend another minute with the cheeky bastard who trapped me in this hellhole.

With both reluctance and determination, I opted for curling up on the front porch, forcing myself into a very miserable and distressed sleep.

. . .

"Get up."

The words were loud enough to disturb my fitful sleep, but my brain was fuzzy enough to not be able to process them. 

When I didn't do as the voice had told me, a loud crashing noise to my immediate left jolted me out of the fuzzy darkness. My bleary eyes shot open and I stared around wildly- a motion that immediately put a jolting sensation under my temples, slowing down the movement of my head so that I could wince and hold it in pain.

"Get up." I felt a foot nudge my hip, and I looked up slowly to see that it belonged to Kai. The last person whose face I wanted to see.

"What are you doing here?" I muttered, wincing to myself when my throat scratched with each word.

"Making sure you don't freeze to death, kid. Get in the house."

As much as the biting wind and heavy feeling in every inch of my body made me want to disappear, my stubbornness was stronger. I huddled tighter into myself, glaring up at the man.

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