R e g u l u s

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Summary: Regulus finds Y/n asleep in the common room and carries them back to bed. Y/n does sleep in the girls' dormitory but no pronouns are used I believe.

TW: Regulus carrying reader, just fluff.


The roaring blaze that once warmed the features of the Gryffindor common room had dwindled down to tiny flecks of orange among the pile of burnt wood over the hours. The moon had risen long ago and yet Regulus found himself still lingering in a common room of a different house.

What had started out as an evening homework date had stretched out into long hours of studying and scribbling out sentences. You had spent a few hours doing good work, but as the night dragged on your head became heavy and so you opted to rest it on his shoulder. Later your eyes began to feel heavy as well, and soon you'd fallen fast asleep on Regulus's shoulder.

It wasn't until you started snoring lightly that he had even noticed, his mind buried in his work. When he'd registered that you were asleep, he smiled to himself. He began slowly setting down his things so that he could lift you, hands on the backs of your thighs so that you could wrap around him like a koala and he could still walk. You stirred at the movement, mumbling a little and lifting your head before Regulus hushed you and patted the back of your head so that it went back to rest in the crook of his neck.

"Mm, whaz going on?" You slurred blearily, your eyes not yet opened.

 Regulus kissed your temple. "Nothing love, let's get you into bed." 

When Regulus entered the girls' dormitory, he scanned the room, finding the sleeping figures of Lily Evans, Mary Macdonald, Dorcas Meadowes and Marlene McKinnon, and an empty bed with your school trunk sitting on the floor at the foot. Regulus lowered the sleeping figure onto the bed.

As he finished tucking you in and kissing your forehead, he noticed Lily stirring, and then lifting her head to peer through the dim light sleepily. When she had registered who it was, her eyes widened as if suddenly wide awake.

"Regulus?" She whisper-yelled. "What are you doing in here?"

The man in question raised his hands in surrender. "Just putting Y/n in bed, I'm leaving now."

Her shoulders instantly relaxed when she noticed her sleeping friend laying fast asleep. A smile graced her sweet features as she looked back up at him. "Y/n's lucky to have you, Black."

He dipped his head, smiling. "I'm lucky to have Y/n."

When Regulus turned to leave, Lily flopped back onto the mattress, the springs creaking with the movement. After a few silent minutes, she turned around, dipping her head to look under the mattress to check on the figure lying underneath it. The boy's face was mostly covered by the darkness that the bed's underside provided, but his glasses were glinting a soft white in the light of the moon.

"I don't think he saw me." James whispered, crawling as quietly as he could out from the cramped space.

"I don't think so either."

"Merlin, that was so cheesy. I'm so telling Padfoot."


A/n: Y'all I have not written a single thing in like a week because life happened but it's all better now and I finally get to write again yay!! Enjoy

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