S p e n c e r (little)

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Summary: You're Spencer's little and you're waiting for him to come home.

"A little is someone that likes to act younger then they really are. It's kind of like having an alter ego that's much younger then yourself. Most don't act little 24/7, but when they do slip into their younger alter ego it's called slipping into .

When a little is in headspace that is when they are at their most submissive and most vulnerable, and sometimes even talk higher pitch or with more of a lisp then normal. They're more prone to emotional outbursts like throwing a tantrum or getting overly excited about something. They are also the most needy in this state, as they are not thinking like a grown up but like a child, and need a bit more guidance and reassurance. Some littles are in headspace while others may become more outgoing. Every little is different and has their own headspace unique to them."

-Urban Dictionary






You glanced over at the noisy clock whose tick-tocking had pulled you out of your thoughts. 7pm. 

When's he gonna be here?

Your relationship with Spencer was, to pretty much anyone else, was complicated, but to the two of you it was quite simple. While he was, in fact, your boyfriend, he was also your caregiver whenever you were in headspace.

Headspace, for you, was not an every day thing. It was something you used as a coping mechanism whenever you felt an excess of negative emotions such as loneliness or stress, and was also largely triggered by the presence of your caregiver. This allows you to still be able to take care of yourself when Spencer isn't home (which is fairly often). The dynamic works for both of you. 

You tapped your foot impatiently on the bars of the island stool, glancing over at the setup in the living room that had been prepared over an hour ago. You had built a blanket fort that took up half the living room floorspace. Inside it was a variety of pillows and stuffed animals, along with various snacks in packages or little plastic bowls and your laptop already set up and ready to play The Princess Bride. 

With nothing else to do, you crawled into the fort and sat crisscross-applesauce, taking a grape into your mouth and pulling one of the blankets on the ground over your head, turning yourself into a human burrito. 

Just as you did so, you heard footsteps approaching the front door and keys clacking around in the lock. You yelped in half surprise half excitement, flopping down onto the soft floor of the fort and rolling over so your entire body was hidden by blanket.

"Y/n, I'm home!" You heard him call. 

His footsteps echoed on the tile floor as he came through the kitchen to the living room, where he must have seen the blanket fort. "Oh, what is this?" He asked no one in particular, his now playful voice thick with mock obliviousness.

You covered your mouth with your hand, trying not to giggle. 

"It's a fort!" He exclaimed as though he had just realized. His voice was close enough to where you thought he was just outside. "But where's Y/n? Not here." 

The humongous grin on your face widened as you heard him give a small grunt of effort to stand up again, as the entrance to the fort was fairly small. Wow, you must be a really good hider. He was right there and didn't see you!

"Y/n? Where are youuuu?" He called through the house in a sing-song voice. You couldn't help it, a tiny giggle erupted from your throat. As quickly as the laugh had been let loose, you stopped. Now you were gonna get caught.

But for a while, Spencer didn't find you. He was still calling out that he was gonna find you, and finally you heard him come back to the blanket fort.

"Hmm, I guess Y/n's not here." He sighed. "I guess I'll just have to enjoy these snacks and this movie all to myself."

You could hear him crawling into the fort.

"And look at all of these comfortable pillows, too."

And just as he said that, he laid his entire upper half on your curled up body. You squeaked under his weight, wiggling in the blanket to escape. You sat up excitedly, ready to see your caregiver at last.

"There you are!" He beamed at you when he finally saw your face. "How's my baby?"

"I was here the whole time!" You giggled, the pride from your excellent hiding skills distracting you from his question. "And you din' find me!"

"I guess you're just a really good hider, then." He chuckled. You just now noticed that he had changed out of his usual work clothes into a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt.

"Yeah. I got my Elven cape." You pulled the blanket you had previously used to hide over your legs. 

Spencer raised an eyebrow, not understanding what I meant.

"From Lor' The Rings! Y'know, the one that makes you hide real good!"

His mouth formed an O shape, showing that he understood my reference now. "Yeah, I guess so. Do you have any more capes?"

You grab another blanket lying somewhere and hand it to him. "Now you can be super sneaky too!"

"Wonderful." He draped the blanket over his shoulders, taking one of the packages of snacks and opening it. "What are we watching?"

"The Princess Bride." You became very excited at the reminder of the movie. "Can we watch it now? Pleeaase?" You pushed your bottom lip out in a pout and gave him your bestest puppy dog pout.

"I suppose we can, sweet." He smiled at the face you were making, tapping the laptop a few times before the movie started to play. 

"WAIT!" You shouted, far too dramatically for the reason you had.


"We gotta make the aminals watch too!" You began arranging the stuffed animals around the two of you so that they all faced the laptop. You pulled your favorite one, a big blue whale stuffy, into your lap. His name was Blueberry and you loved him soooo much. But not more than Spencer, obviously.

Through the beginning of the movie, you were squirmy and excited, shoveling popcorn into your mouth. Every time Spencer told you to slow down, you'd just look at him with innocent eyes and puffed, full cheeks. You also found yourself mouthing the words to the movie since you knew the script by heart. 

But by the end of the movie, you were fast asleep, cradled into Spencer's chest on the floor, which wasn't as hard as you would think because it's coated in many layers of blankets. You found that when you fell asleep in headspace, you were curled up into a tiny little ball with your legs pressed to your stomach and your arms wrapped around Blueberry. This was very comfortable.

As the movie credits began to roll, Spencer turned the movie off, doing everything in his might to reach the laptop without waking the sleeping you. When he did so, you began to stir in his arms, making tiny grumbling sounds.

At the noise, he began tracing lines down your back, lulling you back into your deep slumber. He was growing drowsy himself, so he decided not to put you back in your bed and sleep in the pillow fort tonight. Softly kissing your forehead, he muttered a sweet "goodnight" and drifted off to dreamland.


A/N: I've been wanting to make this one for a super long time now. I myself am a little so I somewhat based Y/n's headspace off of my own.

And yes, adding in The Princess Bride is breaking the fourth wall a tiny bit.

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