K a t h e r i n e (ish)

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Summary: You and Elena get into an argument in front of the others, and Katherine is thoroughly impressed with your response.

A/N: This is based off of a character I thought up myself. I will still be using the term Y/n.  Essentially, the character is outwardly very cocky and smart-assy, but in truth, deals with loneliness. 


"Fine. You can do whatever you want. I don't care." Elena threw her hands up, pacing around the house. "Be irresponsible. It's not like there are lives at stake here."

You have your eyes trained on her from the couch, amused.  "Sorry, mom."

"That's not what I'm doing!" She snapped.

You rolled your eyes, standing up refill the glass in your hand. "Isn't it? You're talking to me like I'm incapable of making my own decisions. Like I'm Jeremy."

As you refilled your glass, you snuck a glance at the small audience listening to the two of you bicker- said audience consisted of Bonnie, Stefan, and Katherine. The former two didn't dare interrupt- half out of politeness, half out of slight fear- but Katherine was too entertained to intervene. Your girlfriend knows what you're like when you're challenged, and loves how hot you are when it does.

"No I'm not. I'm talking to you like what you are. A villain."

"A villain, eh?" You weren't even fazed at the insult. "I've heard that one before, try again. Come on, tell me what you think of me." You leaned forward, resting your elbows on your knees and chin in your hands in fake childish interest.

"Fine. You want to know what I think of you? Fine! You're a fake. You act like you're the best person alive, but it's all a façade to hide just how alone you really are. And if you're wondering why, I can answer that for you. It's because you're selfish and rude." She paused for a moment, watching you. "Look at you! You can't even look me in the eyes because you know it's true."

You set your glass down, slowly making your way around the back of the couch to meet her face to face. All the while you held perfect eye contact. 

"First of all, sweetheart, confidence itself is a façade. You fake it 'til you make it."

"Second of all, I'm not fake. Strength is not the absence of weakness, and just because I don't talk about my struggles doesn't mean I'm hiding them- quite frankly, it's nobody's business. I just don't have to make it everyone else's problem like you do, Elena."

You now stood face to face with her, staring her down. "Third of all, you can say I'm alone all you want, but..." You crossed the living room towards Katherine, whose smirk was growing wider by the minute. "I'm not. So I'm all set, thanks."

And with that, you linked arms with your girlfriend. "And uh, the deal's off. Sorry." You faked a smile, leaving the Salvatore mansion and stepping into the sun. 

"Well, that was fun." You said casually, adjusting the sleeves of your shirt.

Your girlfriend gave you a chaste kiss on the cheek and that classic smirk of hers. "Fun to watch, too." 


A/N: And this, friends, is where my frustration for Elena Gilbert is taken out.

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