Pale Pillow Princess

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He said 'Fuck both of you.'

What does that mean? That he knows? He must know. What else could that sentence mean? Maybe he just hates Bradyn for being a douchebag and not because they slept together...

Because how would Griffin know that they slept together.

Courtney sits on her bed trying to gather the details from her foggy mind to try and make it all make sense before her brain shuts down and dumps the memory into the trauma bin, forcing her to forget.

She doesn't want to leave her bed ever again; or her house for that matter. She just wants to sink into the abyss of nothingness and just wallow in her embarrasment, confusion, and gluttony. 

She works it out quickly in her mind. Technically she doesn't have a reason to leave. Groceries can be delivered to the house, so can every meal. She has her parent's credit card and her family had an unnecessary amount of money. She's doing school online and when she finishes, they can just send her the diploma in the mail. Courtney literally can't think of an immediate reason as to why she would need to leave the comfort of her own home.


The days sort of blur together for the next couple weeks.

For the most part Courtney keeps all the blackout curtains shut so it's kind of hard to tell what time it is.

She's touched outside for a total of maybe three minutes in total, and that's just from bringing food outside. She always waits until the delivery drivers have left before opening the door so she hasn't had any human interaction either.

Bradyn had texted a couple times, just to check in on her, but she hasn't responded to him at all. Instead she's been responding to the messages in the group chat (mostly making up excuses as to why she can't hang out) instead, so Bradyn knows she's alive but this way she doesn't have to talk to him directly.

It's weird. She would've thought that once her relationship had ended with Griffin she'd be all over Bradyn but all she wanted now was to be left alone.

Bradyn got the hint eventually and stopped texting her completely. He figured that he should give her some space and she'd talk to him when she was ready.


Week 3:

Courtney's stomach hurts from the amount of sugar she has consumed and it's only noon.

She moans as she pushes another sugar coated mini donut past her lips.

She burps and it all almost comes back up.

Courtney ends up eating herself into a coma and when she comes to, she does it all over again.

This behaviour continues for days on end and it only makes her gut stronger. She surprises herself with the amount of food she's able to consume now. She never really feels hungry anymore but at the same time she feels as if she's lost the ability to feel overly stuffed too. 

Every waking moment of her days are filled with lounging around the house consuming food in portions that could feed five grown men.


Week 6:

She's done it.

She's found her threshold; the one she didn't think existed anymore.

Courtney leans over the rim hugging the toilet bowl. Her involuntary salivation dribbles over her pale lips as she tries desperately to keep herself from vomitting.

She's sitting on the tile floor of the bathroom in just her underwear and a t-shirt that some would consider a sports bra. Nothing fits her anymore. She's eaten herself out of everything. She tried a couple times to order herself new clothes but some of the items got lost in the mail and then the rest that actually made it to her house didn't fit her, either because she would grow two more sizes by the time it got to the house or because of how bad she's become at guessing her own size now.

It takes a couple hours but eventually her tummy calms down, fortunately for her; because it would've been a shame to see all that food wasted. To see all those calories swirling down the drain infront of her. 

She struggles, but she gets to her feet.

Courtney tries to put a hand on the front of her stomach but can only reach the side of her distended gut. 

She hobbles on her swollen feet back to her bedroom.

She doesn't know it yet but this is one of the last times she'd be able to rest in her room. Eventually she was going to have to go back downstairs to get more food and there was no way she'd ever be able to make it back up that staircase on her own.

She'd grown really weak from not using her muscles as often. From sitting around all day her legs had become unstable, unreliable. At this point she wished she could just be funnel fed. She just wants to sit all day and have the food come to her.


Week 8:

It's been two months and her desire for food is starting to be overshaddowed by her craving for sex.

She wants so badly to be pushed into, deeply. To feel something else in her guts other than the mountain of burgers and corn dogs and grease she's consumed.

Her hands can no longer reach the part of her body that so desperately wants to be pleasured so she has to get creative.

Courtney grabs a couple corn dogs and wanders around the house. 

She stops at the end of the couch in the living room.

The arm rest is about waist height on her. It'll do.

She opens up her legs to straddle the arm rest and lowers her damp heat onto the couch.

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