30 | I Miss You

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Chapter 30: I Miss You

Normal, be normal and pretend like it's just another ordinary day. Forget the fact that today is the last full day you'll spend with him. That is what I told myself as an attempt to cheer myself up, but really there was no way to do that. Nobody in their right mind could brush off something like that. Even though we tried so hard to.

"Hurry up! I wanna get home and finish these like yesterday!" I hurried up in front of him looking at my house in the distance when suddenly he poked me on the hip, "Why do you walk like that?" He asked.

"Walk like what?" I slowed my pace and walked beside him interested to hear what judgment he had to make about me.

"Like, your hips, you sway them. It's almost as if you walk like that to get my attention."

Was it really obvious? Do people actually walk differently when their crush is around? I guess it was true because I did in fact appear more confident in my walk whenever he was with me. Maybe I did want to get his attention, but I didn't even notice myself walking in a certain manner until he pointed it out.

"What if I am?! Do you not like how I walk? Should I—"

"It's kind of cute," He said with a light chuckle. Cute? Did my kind of compliments rub off on him? It was nice to hear a word that wasn't normally one he would use to describe me. "What's cute?" I knew he referred to my walk, but I wanted him to actually say that.

"That little walk you do just for me. You look like an idiot, but I like it." He was right, the way I smoothly moved my hips with each step was a little desperate on my part, but if he liked that then it didn't matter. I blushed and wrapped my arm around him as we continued our walk back from the store.

-ˋˏ ༻💥༺ ˎˊ-

"Can you finish mine for me? Yours looks so pretty!!" Katsuki rolled his eyes as I handed him my unfinished bracelet. The one I was making for him, had my name on it, and the one he made me had his name on it. They were black beaded with orange cubes that had letters of the color green on them.

"Seriously?" He turned the letters of my bracelet over for me to see, "How do you screw up your own name?!" Two of the letters were switched so it made my name look weird. I don't know how I didn't catch that—no, actually, I do know. It was because I was so distracted by how focused he looked when he was working on his. Surprisingly he didn't catch me staring that time.

I shrugged and motioned for him to finish my bracelet while putting some music on my speaker. "What are you gonna do without—" Realizing what he'd said, he quickly dug his hand in the bucket of the small, colorful cubes and nonchalantly grabbed some in his hand.

After both our bracelets were done, we put them on for each other, and I grabbed my phone to take a picture of his hand which he'd placed on top of mine. Suddenly, one of my favorite Chase Atlantic songs played and without hesitation I took him by the  hand and pulled him off the bed and to the center of my room.

"I love this song!" I let go of his hand and turned the volume up until the sound waves hit my ears, satisfying me. Then I jumped around making my hair bounce all over the place. It couldn't have been more obvious that I was doing my best to avoid the conversation we obviously had to have at some point.

"Y/n?" He poked me on the shoulder which grabbed my attention. I turned the volume down a bit and proceeded to hear him out. "Wanna dance to a slow song with me?" The question surprised me. I never took him for a slow dancing kind of guy, he seemed like the type to shake his head all about and call that dancing. Yeah, maybe that was stereotypical of me, but with his personality who wouldn't think that?

𝘄𝗲'𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝘄𝗼 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱𝘀 𝗮𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 ; 𝐤. 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now