chapter eight:The bad people have came

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It seemed that the older I got in age that they would come from out of the woodworks. It would never fail that eventually through the years of my early adulthood years that these bad people would come from out of the shadows. Boy did they ever come. These bad ones would prey upon myself to a point that it would leave me heavily traumatized to say the least. With unseen scars left upon my soul and spirit of their dirty deeds I would begin as best I could to pick up the pieces as I would try moving on from the wreckage these people would leave in their destruction of me. Their disgustingly,sick crimes that they would perpetrate upon myself was enough to leave you in a fetal position upon your mother's kitchen floor. It was always the same in the sense that these individuals would start out with preying upon me until the target was in their sights so that they could find a weakness within to use. From there they would seek out a way to go about taking my innocence in order to steal it as theirs. "The fucking thieves" I tell ya! I never had to worry much about any of these individuals though as much as I have had to worry about one individual. This information takes the cake I will say. He has been doing and trying his best to have myself suffer his abuse along with having to suffer through him having (not trying) his ending of things come about for myself to the point that he will go to any length necessary (even getting another Individual who would have his back like he would have their back or breaking the law or getting authority figures or anyone else on his side) to accomplish his main goal which is to prey upon and bring damage to myself and life as much as he possibly can. He puts on a good show for others I must say. So good of a show that there are very few people that know about him and his ways. The ones that know about him do not talk about him in the least little bit of ways. Oh,yes there are people that know about him I will tell ya. What all these individuals may know about him and his ways I could not tell you? He has been after myself for quite a few years I will tell you. Usually he ends up traumatizing me in the worst of ways with his various methods and tactics. He usually ends up trying to have me go away and put away in a place that I myself have made an effort to stay out of and away from. It is a place that holds some of the worst people that you could imagine. Why he is dead set on having this done to myself I am not sure of at all? He has physically abused me. He has psychologically abused myself. He has gotten to my personal information to learn about myself. He has used his so called friends to try getting at me. He has used people that I know and even trust to turn against me bringing them to his side of things. He has used whatever means necessary to ruin and bring about his ending to things, situations,etc. trying to accomplish him making myself out to be a target that he can prey upon until he brings about his ending of shit that he has created for myself. He is a straight up predator that seems to not be able to be touched let alone myself knowing just how it is that he is going about it all to where he will not be found out. It's scary and yet at the same time it all has placed myself in a position to where it puts myself past being on my knees. Him and his fucked up shit makes it all for myself to where I just want to die on a daily basis now in order for myself to get away from him being that no one will do anything about him or so it seems to myself to be. I am not at all sure of what to do as of my writing this. The only thing I know to do concerning him is to put his shit out there making others aware of him and what he has and does do to myself and life. Making people aware of him is his fear I believe? The more people know about him then I believe his shit that he perpetrates upon myself and life will eventually come to light! He lives in the back shed from a main house that his (of all people) mother lives in. He has outfitted this shed into a living/sleeping area that he will use to escape to if he finds himself caught up with the reality of him actually going away. He will then proceed to do whatever it is (legal or not) he has to do to get the heat off of him. If he is being watched (like has happened to him on a few different occasions usually when it involves myself in some sort of way) then he will manage to weasel his way out of it in whatever way that he can use or come up with. He has no feelings of who he hurts in the process. He has no remorse for what all he does and brings about in bringing damage and destruction to a person (usually myself) and their life in any way possible. He gets his rocks off in this manner. He is the type of predator that will not quit or stop until he gets what he wants no matter what. He will not take responsibility for his own actions (usually placing that responsibility right upon shoulders that it does not belong on) one little bit. He will get to anyone and anybody if it serves his purpose and those individuals go along with his bullshit. In the mean time his damage and destruction that he brings upon myself and life is insurmountable and dangerous in every possible way! He manipulates situations and people all he can in which those that he manipulates goes along with him and his plans of destroying another individual and their Life.

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