Chapter 28 - The swordsman's revenge and a waterfall of unfinished quests.

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[Itching Cloud.
Rating: Epic.
Damage: 30% Magic Damage Bonus/Second.
Duration: 30 seconds.
Radius: 6"
CD: 10 minutes.
A cloud of fine hairs that hurt creatures/players inside the radius while the itching prevents them from moving freely.
Restrictions: Level 150. 600 Intelligence. Bard classes.]

Xio doesn't know it, but bard classes have very few hostile spells, chants and songs. They are mostly a support class that focus in increasing stats. Bards aren't that requested for raids because even if their buffs are strong, they are as sturdy as blown glass... and not a thick one. An attack spell would be very very popular if she could put it on the Auction house.
Before even worrying about her stuff scattered on the ground, she runs around fang in hand harvesting as many sticky spider's web as she can in 10 minutes. After that, she does the retrieving of her items. The cart has acid damage, but nothing to worry about. Sadly some of her monster drop did get melted inside the spider's abdomen.
"Goddamnit! I need a net or some shit to hold my crap in the cart..."
She actually use a sheet of spider web as a cover of sorts for the cart using the hooks for the belts.

[You successfully found a way to improve your cart.]

[Your «Walking Shelter» skill leveled up to Lvl. 3.]

[You can add up to 6 features to your cart now.]

"Sweet as fuck! You are rocking this damn game, Xiomara!" She encourages herself. "Now, let's get the fuck out of..."
Her statement gets cut off by a slow clapping sound coming from one of the shafts.
"Your skills are still lacking, small girl, but you showed focus and perseverance these weeks to overcome your weakness and I can get behind that kind of willpower." The unhealthy rough voice gets closer and closer until the faint light of the cave touches the man talking.
From the shadows, appears a tall shabby-looking and slim guy with long greyish hair. His skin looks scaly, dry and darkened by years under the sun. He has the eyes of a predator; they look like they saw better days but now they appear untrustful and hostile. Over his head, the golden name «Piaro» shines like a neon sign. He jumps down and walks towards Xio arms folded.
"So it was you... I mean, the one watching me all of this time." Xio feels threatened by that ominous aura of him. "What do you want?" She takes a step back.
"Your help. You were not my first choice for the task, but I'm getting inpatient already." The man wrinkles his nose and purses his lips in discomfort. "My head has a price so I can't leave this place. So I need your help to see my vengeance through."

[A mission has been generated.]

[The True Traitor of the Red Knights.
Rating: S
The Red Knights were once the strongest knight division on the continent. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that the Saharan Empire could now exist because of the Red Knights.
Asmophel, the vice captain of the Red Knights, had a secret rendezvous with the Empress. Then he framed Piaro, who knew the truth.
Due to Asmophel skillfully borrowing the power of the Empress, Piaro and his men were framed as traitors to the Emperor and were forced to flee. Piaro couldn't forgive Asmophel or the imperial family, who drove the lives of his comrades to the brink of ruin. But it was impossible for Piaro to move directly due to the trackers scattered throughout the continent, who were released by Asmophel. In the end, Piaro was forced to give up on revenge himself and needed to entrust it to an agent.
Quest Clear Conditions: Punish Asmophel.
Quest Clear Reward: Title Agent of Revenge
Quest Failure: Level -4.]

[Do you accept the quest?]

"For this quest of yours... do I need to go to the Saharan Empire?"
"That's where Asmophel is. As long as you swear that you'll do it, I'm fine with waiting for you to punish that traitor."
"I'm sorry, dude. But I have enough quests as it is to have some extra anxiety because of yours. And I'm not even that sure I can help you. I don't know much about the Saharan Empire, but I'm sure as hell I wouldn't be even an annoyance to the vice captain of their best knights!"
"You are not a threat now, but you might get there if you keep the diligence of your training here."
"Sadly, this is my last training for a while, man. I plan to work on my trade for as long as I need to get money for my family." Xio sighs.
"If a better reward is what you need, I offer you my own sword if you accept the mission. It is worth good gold." He looks annoyed.

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