Chapter 10 - The geomancer

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Winston is a big city, and once again, she finds herself trying to not get lost in those maze-like streets. Her begging rags give her invisibility normally but now she's on a fancy neighborhood. She can feel the snobs' dirty stare on her back. It doesn't matter that her body is clean, the rags earn her a good amount of hate.

"Can you believe the audacity of this dirty beggar?"

"Don't look at her, honey... "

"Oh, in the name of Rebecca, the smell!"

She ignores the insults just as she ignores the construction workers' disgusting compliments behind the hospital her granny is in. She could just change into her new clothes, but she won't give them the pleasure.

Well maintained house fronts, unbroken windows of clear and smooth glass and clean cobblestone streets give this zone a completely different feel from the surroundings of Ingrid's. It pisses her off a little to see the same social segregation in Satisfy as at home.

It's only when she gets to the shoe maker's door, that she changes into her cute clothes. She leaves the sandals and patches in the cart, that last one is a battle garment not a fashion one.

A little bell rings over her head when entering and a snobby tall man walks to the counter. His appearance is polished, his face looks proud and his looks aren't that bad for a man around 40. The man's clean and groomed beard moves when greeting her.

"Good evening, young lady. Is there something I can do for you? Directions? The key to the powder room maybe?", his bowler hat stops her from reading his name.

"What about some shoes, good sir whose name I didn't catch?" Xio smiles showing her white teeth.

"Oh, but where are my manners! I'm, Perkins and I'm terribly sorry but I'm afraid I cannot help you, young lady," Perkins' accent resembles a posh one making it suit his snobbyness. "You may look as lovely as a first kiss, but a merchant's eyes is sharp and I can tell you are from a life not suited for commerce."

"Figures... " Xio sigh heavily. "Look, Perkins. I need some cute shoes, no, I need cute shoes to finish my look and no one will sell them to me. I knew it before coming here. But I heard from Ingrid that you are a collector and I am someone that can provide more items for your collection. Do I have your attention now?"

"That old hag..." Perkins' expression twists a bit before clearing his throat and regaining his snobbiness. "I mean. That lovely old friend of mine! She should know better. These days, I'm cured from that unhealthy obsession"

"Oh, is that right~?" Xio smiles even wider and takes something out from one of her pockets. She puts the item on the counter to makes it dance happily.

Perkins' eyes sparkle like cut wires. The little plushie, in the form of a pink cartoon bunny, dances flopping its droopy ears. The shoemaker regain his composure and speaks nervously.

"I-I don't like those things anymore, young lady. Your taunting tactics are useless on me."

"Ow... well, I made this little fella for you and, if you don't want it, I think I'll just get rid of him," Xio presses her lips. Then she takes her spill out and bring the flame near the plushie. "Say goodbye, Mister cotton tail!"

Before the fire touches the toy, Perkins grabs it quickly pressing it onto his broad chest.

"Are you a monster?!" His eyes water."Who would harm Mister cotton tail that way! He was so scared. Look as his face!" He shoves the plush on Xio's face and then comforts it with pets.

"Shoes. What about them?"

"I-I'll make the perfect pair for your mischievous cute outfit, miss monster. But I want another 2 friends to worth my labor. Deal?" A teary eyed Perkins stretches his hand to make an agreement.

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