Chapter 19 - The beautiful archer in the forest.

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Walking through dark alleys completely in silence, they get to their destiny. A small diner in the middle of the village. It looks more like a rustic cafeteria than a diner. Everything is tiny, the tables, the stools and the kitchen.

In Satisfy there is a high demand for food items but mostly just for recovery. Not many users enjoy the greatness of all the possibilities Satisfy food items can bring to the table. Pun intended. Food is made to be as realistic as in reality, so one could make a fillet Wellington chef Ramsay could be proud of. Sadly just a handful of users actually use the 'cooking' skill well.

"So." Xio pries around feeling like in a toy house. "Cooking in Satisfy. Why?"

"Money, sweetheart," Em starts to prepare his cooking station. The stove is lit and the ingredients lay on the counter perfectly aligned.

"Money like in real world currency? Do you actually make money out of it?"

"Are you kidding? I'm loaded!" Em cackles.


"I have 3 restaurants in Satisfy and one of them is in the famous Cork island. You wouldn't believe the amount of sightseeing traveler we have," the histrionic woman starts chopping ingredients now that she took her big nails away. "There is tourism in Satisfy. You are aware of that, right?"

"Actually... I wasn't," Xio rests her chin on her crossed arms over the counter. "So you are loaded and still live in a student's apartment..."

"Oh, I see. You are one of those, right?" Chop-chop-chop. "Satisfy is a game. Everything is fake. Is just for people to escape a reality. That's what's on your mind, right, honey?"

"Busted, Hehehe."

"Satisfy is not just a game, love. People actually live here. This is a world as real as the cold feeling of that wood under your arms." Em looks at her like a mom giving a long life lesson. "There is a real state market here, wedding and event planning companies, mercenary guilds, escorting services and so on and on. While you are here thinking about a mere game, people like me are building a life here. I'm loaded but also I'm a Satisfy business investor. Why, in the name of Ru, would I want anything to do with that boring reality when I'm a queen in here?"

Xio gives it a long thought, but still argues her case of Satisfy being literally a game. Em, on the other hand, gives her a million of reasons of why living in a virtual world is as fulfilling as life itself. The madam talks about the infinite possibilities that a magic world offers over the mundane limitations of the real world. She also speaks about how learning life skills in Satisfy actually translate to the real world, like cooking did in her case.

"Somehow I feel like I'm being scolded... but I kind of understand, Em."

"Good, because I'm almost done!" Em smiles.

A few moments later, a big plate steams in front of Xiomara. It's something she couldn't believe could exist in Satisfy, a plate of black and delicious looking mole (a Mexican traditional dish). The sauce looks perfect, the red rice doesn't look overdone and the chicken, or whatever that is, looks tender as hell. Em even made some corn tortillas God knows how.

Xio presses her lips at her incoming defeat. She knows it, Em knows it, the whole world knows it. It takes just one tortilla spoonful of the dish for her to admit openly she lost.

"It tastes like my abuelita's. Damn you, Em, you fucking bastard! This is delicious!" Xio eats like a beast forgetting all of her manners.

"Just a little taste of home to hook you in!" Em laughs. "If you give me the opportunity, I can show you the real flavors of Satisfy."

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