Chapter 24 - Taurus of the Underdome

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After Little takes the opportunity to repair his equipment, they both start walking south

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After Little takes the opportunity to repair his equipment, they both start walking south. Some shadowy figures glance at them when noticing their direction. Specially a group of 5 hooded users by the gate, one of them, with glowing red eyes.

"Hold on." Xio suddenly gets real close to the blond guy. "Just follow my lead and then wait for me down the road." She whispers and points with her eyes at the city sign. "Oh, and sorry..."


She hugs him in a way that looks like Little was the one doing it. He blushes heavily.

"You little bastard!" Xio then pushes him away and slaps him across the face. "This is what you wanted, right?!"

Little rubs his cheek confused.

"I-I'm sorry. I thought th-that... I'm so so s-sorry!" His acting skills suck.

She stomps away back to the city. The shadowy group laughs at Little before stop paying attention to them for good.

Inside Winston she changes into her beggar rags, messes her hair and rubs dirt all over her body. Then she changes her name tag color to green and gets back to the gate. This time the shadowy group doesn't even glance at her crouched figure.

To test it she approaches the group extending her cup at them.

"Please, sires. Can you spare a coin?" Her voice cracks, her face looks at their feet and her hand shakes.

"Stay away, scum!" The one with the glowing red eyes kicks her to the ground.

She apologizes and walks away towards the road where she catches up with Little. She pretends to ask for a coin and soon after they both take on the road.

The moon is already high in the sky. The sounds of the night accompany them along the lonely southern path no one is crazy enough to take at those hours. She smiles looking at the unfamiliar stars and the fresh smell of the pine trees around.

Little speaks after half an hour of him letting Xio enjoy the road.

"You are a good actress."

"I was in the drama club in high school," she grins happily. "It has been useful these days, weirdly."

"Sounds like fun."

"What club did you attend?"

"Non." He smiles bitterly looking ahead. "I was homeschooled. The only club I've ever been to is my mamma's book club," he snorts.

"Hey, did I catch a bit of a country accent now?" She giggles.

"I-it slipped my tongue. Please forget about it." He sighs.

"Hell no!" She laughs. "So we have an American southern boy in here, huh?"

"Guilty as charged. Where are you from? You have an accent, so you aren't using the built-in translator with me."

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