The Captain of the Black Pearl | Infant Island & the King of the Jungle

Start from the beginning

Percy: Okay.. who was this first God of War? I mean, if he's this different from Ares, why isn't he mentioned at all?

Annabeth: Could be because the Gods saw his power. So they feared that he would overthrow each of them, so they casted him out and replaced him with Ares. 

Percy: Wow.... This storm is really kicking up.

Annabeth: We should head inside. 

Right as they started to walk away, a cyclone appears in front of the three as they had to back away from the high cyclone.

Chiron: Percy! Annabeth! Grover! Stand back!

The centaur, Chiron appears as he puts his hand in front of the cyclone

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The centaur, Chiron appears as he puts his hand in front of the cyclone. The high winds started to dim as Tia Dalma appears before them, which Chiron realizes who it is.

Chiron: It can't be... Calypso. 

Tia Dalma: Long time has it been, Chiron.

Chiron: What do you want? You have no business trespassing in this camp.

Tia Dalma: In fact, I have alot of reasons. I've come.. *points* for those three. 

Percy: Okay, that's- why us?

Chiron: What is that you need Percy and the others? They're not going to fulfill your mistrusting deeds.

Tia Dalma: .. Fine, I'll cut to the chase. The world outside of this camp is in peril... On the day of the Eclipse, the moon that hovers over the sun, blocking the light... will fall. With that, the world will come to an end, as goes for all of the worlds.... Earth, Heaven, Hell, Underworld, Olympus, Asgard, and all other realms. 

Percy: No way.

Grover: Haha! I told you they were real!

Annabeth: What do you mean? Are we the ones that can stop the moon from falling? I don't understand.

Tia Dalma: You three can't... but.. one can. He goes by Vara of the Ars Goetia... a family of royalty in Hell. The child was born on the depths of the moon itself, making him part of the moon's race. His talent is unlike anything you all could imagine... His blood, his spirit, and... his will to fight. 

Percy: So is this kid, Vara.. a Demigod, like us?

Tia Dalma: You could say that... but deep in his heart, he is a vessel. A vessel, controlled... by the first God of War... he's known as... the Fierce Deity.

Chiron: Asterius... the first God of War. 

Percy: You know of him, Chiron?

Chiron: Long time ago... before Ares. Asterius is a noble and pure hearted God, with powers of darkness used for good deeds. The Gods were terrified of his power and feared that Asterius would overthrow them, so they casted him out and gave him the title God of Wrath.... He was good friends with your father, Percy. 

The Child of the Moon: The Fierce DeityWhere stories live. Discover now