A Drop Out and Some Tragedy

Start from the beginning

          "So what is so special about water breathing?" Mikumo asked me. 

          "Water Breathing is a style that as its name suggests mimics water, specifically the flow, flexibility and adaptability of the liquid replicated by the users body," I told him. "Unlike sun breathing however the user directs More oxygen to the parts of the body that will most improve the form of it they are using, I will show you the forms after I get everyone here working on breathing the right way."

          "Okay Izuku so what is this right way of breathing the you use?" Katsuki asked seemingly mad that a Quirkless kid He and, in all honesty, I just met for picking up on it so fast. 

          "Well you see you need to take long deep breaths with full extent of your lungs ," I began "you will know you are doing that part right when the others or even yourself see your belly move with you breathing" I explained. "Once you can do that it is a matter of concentrating on where best to use the oxygen to achieve your goal in this case you all are trying to run for longer." 

          "So long deep breaths okay I think I can do that" Izumi said and Katsumi and Jirou nodded in agreement. 

          From there I sat all of them down crossing their legs and told them to focus on my breathing and to sync their own to it. Let their bodies relax and focus I walked amongst and would talk to them in a calming matter. When I got to Katsuki I noticed he was stressed I tried talking to him and when I did well he blew his fuse.

          "Izuku will you just shut up I am trying and every time I feel somewhat close you start talking," He yelled attracting everyone's attention. "For that matter why did I even agree to learn this you said the main use for this was to kill right then why would we ever use this as heroes" He continued his rant now on his feet and ready to attack. "You and Mikumo there are hopeless useless Deku who have no chance in the hero course so you should just stop trying!" He finished with several explosions from his palms.

          "Well if you feel that way so deeply Katsuki you can just leave, infact Izumi why don't you take him and Katsumi back home Katsumi if you want you can return at a later day but if one of you is going home well your parents would probably like you home as well," I said. 

          "Okay Izuku come on guys lets get you home," Izumi said to Katsuki and Katsumi with that they left and I returned to teaching the others what I could. 

Izumi's POV:   

          We walked back into the city in silence. once on the edge of town Katsuki pulled ahead and ran.

          "Katsuki where are you going?" Katsumi called out. 

          "Come on lets go find him," I said. So we began running in the direction he went to down town. "Is there any place here that he would go when upset?" I asked Katsumi.

          "Maybe that tv store we all used to go to to see hero fights" She suggested. with that we ran there and when we got there we saw Katsuki just watching the T.V. "Katsuki come on lets just go home and we can go back and you can apologize after he has calmed down." 

          "Yeah you know Izuku he doesn't hold a grudge like at all-" I began before being interrupted by a villain falling next to us. He wore a black suit with a white dress shirt no tie. We were all stunned and the villain took advantage he grabbed Katsumi and me by the head. When Katsuki tried to free us he slapped him away after growing another arm knocking Katsuki out. Then I felt an almost piercing feeling and my body began to feel weaker after he did what ever he did he dropped us. Then a hero showed up gearing up for a fight. 

          "Ah All Might You ready to end this," the villain said. 

         "As ready as I'll ever be All for One" All Might said that's when I passed out.

3rd POV:

          All might punched All for One away from the kids and an epic battle ensued. Culminating in the final strikes of each combatant. 

          All for One launched a powerful devastating blow to All Might's left torso, "Well that blow will be fatal if you don't get to the hospital soon" He said. 

          In return All Might unleashed his most powerful attack aimed right at All for Ones face, "This is for everything you have ever done to this world All for One, United States of Smash" 

--- Mainly just how it is pronounced --- 

          With that this battle was over and All Might was knocked out, and next woke up in the hospital being treated by Recovery girl.

          "Toshi, we have some bad news you weren't the only one harmed in that confrontation with All for One," she said. 

          "Who else was harmed?" Toshinori Yagi asked. 

          "Well the Bakugo siblings were there with the daughter seeming to have been knocked unconscious and the boy seems to have broken a few ribs" Recovery girl began. "The other was your daughter who is also currently unconscious your family is visiting them now" 

          "Take me to her Chiyo, take me to my daughter" He said. 

          With that Chiyo got Toshinori into a wheel chair hooked up to a mobile life supply and wheeled them to the room that his family is in. 

Izuku's POV:    

          My father was wheeled into the room and after Recovery Girl left I walked to him and asked in a hush tone, "Does Mother know who you are?" 

          "Yes Izuku your Mother knows I am All Might, since when did you know Izuku?" Father explained. 

          "I've had my suspicions for a while on what your job is and who you are but I will say this what ever happened to Izumi and the Bakugo siblings is in part my fault." I said.

          "Izuku you can't think that way this was an accident caused by a villain -" Mother tried to say. 

          "No Mother it is my fault!" I yelled. "If I hadn't gotten in that argument with Katsuki then I wouldn't have asked Izumi to walk them home and none of them would have been anywhere near that fight."

          "The fault lies in the Villains hands my boy not yours" Father said. "And that is the last I will hear of this your sister looks like she might be coming to." it was as he said Izumi was jostling in her sleep we all got closer to her and when she woke up. 

          "No please, don't take it, don't take my quirk!" She yelled out. 

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