Ch.6 Reunited again and The truth

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It is now morning and we see the Bbs at the dinnig room while Wildcat is in the kitchen cooking some pancakes. They see Twilight enter the room and sit down at the table.

Vanoss:Morning Twilight.

Twilight:Morning guys.

Nogla:So how is your sleep?

Twilight:It was great.

Wildcat:(enter the room)Alright the puncake is ready!


Twilight:Dont you mean pancake?

Delirious:Yeah but that's how we say it.

Twilight:'Huh puncake.'Hey where is Spike anyway?

Terroriser:Spike is over there.

Terroriser points his finger and Twilight see Spike eating along with the other pets.

Twilight:Ok so how are we get everyone at Canterlot high to vote me?

Moo:Well we should get them to know you. A girl who is smart,kind and beautiful.

Wildcat:Good idea Brock. Now lets eat

Bbs and Twilight are eating their breakfast.

>At the garage<

They are now at the garage standing beside the banana bus while Nogla fuel it.

Twilight:So this is a bus huh?

Vanoss:Our banana bus.

Spike:So this where you guys got your group name?

Wildcat:Yep. We name it after we got this baby.

Terroriser:The banana bus.

Twilight and Spike look at banana bus closely.

Twilight:Huh. You know it does kinda look like a banana.


Nogla:Alright boys i finish refuel the banana bus.

Basically:Lets go guys.

Everyone enters the banana bus and Basically is driving.

>At school<

Their at infront of the school and they heard Celestia in a P.A system.

Celestia:*Good morning students and happy Thrusday. Just a reminder to pick your ballots for the Princess of the Fall Formal today. They are due at the dance starts tomorrow so dont forget to in and make sure your voice be hread.*

Vanoss:Ready guys.

They nodded.

Vanoss:Then lets go.

They went inside and made their way to class. On the way many students notice them began to whisper each other but the Bbs hear what they were saying and what they heard is positive. They saying about Twilight standing up to Sunset and running for the Princess of the Fall Formal and some is voting Twilight. That made Bbs smile

Basically:Looks like we got some votes.

Twilight:Really? How?

Nogla:Their saying that you stand agianst Sunset and running for the Princess.

Before they chould say anything someone grab Twilight in a classroom. The Bbs run towards classroom and Wildcat kick the door and see Twilight.

Delirious:Your alright!?

Twilight:Yeah i'm fine.

???:I'm so sorry about that.

They look and see Rarity near the door.

Banana Bus Squad in Equestria Girls(Cancelled)Where stories live. Discover now