Ch.5 More familiar faces and Night with the Bbs

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It is now lunch time and the Bbs and Twilight are in cafeteria getting their food until they saw Fluttershy and they think she would help.

Vanoss:Hey Fluttershy.

Fluttershy:Oh hey guys.

Terroriser:Fluttershy we need your help.

Fluttershy:Sure what knid of help?

Twilight:Well you see i've decided to run for Princess of the Fall Formal and-

That made Fluttershy gasp in fright and drop her tray but was caught by Wildcat and gave the tray back to Fluttershy.

Wildcat:Jesus careful Fluttershy.

Fluttershy:Oh thanks and sorry it's just oh running for Fall Formal Princess is a really bad idea.


Fluttershy:Sunset Shimmer wants to be Fall Formal Princess and when she wants something she gets it!

Basically:Except getting Brock dating her.

Twilight:Who's Brock?

Fluttershy:That's Moo's real name.

Twilight:Oh i see but i have to try!

Fluttershy:Oh i dont think you understand you have to convince everyone in the school to vote you instead of her. The athletes,The fashionistas,The eco kids,The techies,The rockers...

Nogla:And dont forgot the Banana Bus Squad.

Vanoss:Nogla that's us.

Nogla:...Oh yeah.

That made his friends chuckel at that.

Twilight:Uh anyways why is everypony-(gets smack by Wildcat)I mean everybody separated this way?

They found a table to sit down and Fluttershy give her an answear.

Fluttershy:Maybe it was different your old school but here at CHS everybody sticks to their own kind. One thing they do have in common is that Sunset is gonna rule the school until we garduate.(gets sadden)

Moo:Well srcew her then!


Wildcat:Yeah she thinks she the ruler of the school?

Delirious:Hell no! We get it that everyone is afraid of her.

Terroriser:But this stops now!

Basically:And to do that we need Twilight be the Princess of Fall Formal.

Nogla:Sunset has been The princess long enough! And she is gonna take down her throne.

Vanoss:Whatever this bitch like it or not we need someone like Twilight to be the rightful Princess.

Fluttershy and Twilight look at them shock to see determination. Twilight then smiles determinedly.

Twilight:They'er right i need to get the crown no matter what!

Twilight pick up an apple with her mouth and Fluttershy looks at her confuse. Twilight wonder why Fluttershy looks at her like that until she saw Basically pointing to his hand which made her realize what she is doing and take her apple off her mouth with her hand chuckel nervously. Fluttershy then look at the Bbs still confuse.

Fluttershy:Uh what was that about guys?

Delirious:I dont know but i'm gonna try it.

Delirious try to copy Twilight but his apple just push because of his mask.

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