Chapter Ten

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     I was honestly surprised Alexia didn't put up more of a fight this morning. She's still upset, I can see that, but I thought she would be angrier at me. I guess the hurt is overriding the anger right now. 

      However, things have been going really good so far. She seemed to love the museum and the breakfast. But I know she isn't completely sold on my apology so far. Now, I really had to pull out the big guns. 

      If I wanted her to even begin to forgive me, I had to really show her how much she means to me. I have honestly missed her so much over these last couple of weeks. I regret what I said, so now I'm working to make it right.

      After we left the museum, Alexia was beaming. I don't think I've ever seen her so happy in the last couple of months. It made me happy that I was the one to make her this happy.

       Our next stop was lunch since we spent almost three hours at the museum. it was so worth it though. I decided to take her to another one of her favorite restaurants. It was an old Italian restaurant that was family-owned. It had amazing food and was her favorite place to eat if she is feeling down. I know she hasn't been here for a while because of life, so I think it's the perfect place to go.

       We pulled into the parking lot and she looked over at me in surprise. 

       "You remembered," she said, slightly awed. "I haven't been here in forever."

       "Of course I remembered. I don't I could ever forget."

        Oh. I forgot to mention that this is also the place she told me every important thing at. She told me about her mom her. She came out to me here. She even told me about her anxiety and depression. I could go on and on forever with the things she has told me here. It held weight in both of our hearts.

      We went in and were practically ambushed by the family. They were always loud, but it seemed like they were 1,000 times louder than they usually were. We got hugs and lots of yells of excitement. They practically pushed up into a booth and brought out the best garlic bread I have ever eaten.

       We had ordered our usuals and picked at the bread. I honestly didn't know what to say. It was still awkward between us and  I didn't want to dig myself into a bigger hole. We ended up not even having time to talk with the amount of food that was brought out.

       Alexia insisted that it was too much, but she was immediately shut down. I think Isabella and Antony, the owners, had caught on to the reason she comes here. They were really nice people, so it doesn't come as a surprise that they would try to cheer her up.

      Overall, lunch was good. Isabella did make us promise to come back soon, so I guess we'll be going back soon.

       We hadn't talked much in there. It was mostly just small talk about whatever random subjects we thought of. It wasn't that awkward anymore, but it certainly wasn't comfortable. I was just itching to say something about what happened, but it would ruin my plan, and Alexia didn't seem too eager to talk about it right now. 

     Our next stop was a private library that consisted of only first edition books. I don't even know why that would be appealing, but I paid a lot of money for the tickets, and Alexia has always wanted to go.

       We pulled into the parking lot and she just stared at the building in surprise.

       "Well, are you going to get out or not?" 

       She didn't respond, but she did get out of the car. we walked to the front and were immediately greeted by a receptionist. I showed her the tickets on my phone and she let us through the entrance. 

       The actual library could only be described as beautiful. It had this welcoming feeling, but also eerie. It was odd, but it drew you in and made you entranced. Alexia wasn't much different. She looked captured by everything around us. She walked around studying all the books, but she never touched. I think she was nervous that her touch would ruin them.

       We walked around for what felt like hours. She eventually started to pick up and look at the books. She was always gentle with them and I could tell she loved it here. We walked down aisle after aisle of books until we had seen them all. We left at around six, we got there around three. 

      Now it was time to pull out the grand finale. We were going to go back to my house for dinner. I had pulled out all of the stops. I even wrote a speech for her. I don't think I've ever been this nervous before. This could either fix everything or end everything. 

       As we pulled into the driveway, my hands shook. I felt like I was going to throw up. I took a deep breath and got out of the car, motioning for her to follow me. It was 6:30 by the time we got to my house, so it was already dark outside. Everything lined up perfectly it seemed.

       I led her through the house and into the backyard. She took a sharp inhale as she saw everything I had set up. The trees had strands of fairy lights strung up between them, the grass below had blankets on top of blankets with mounds of pillows. I hadn't brought out the food yet, because I wanted to talk first. 

       "You-you did all of this for me?" She asked softly, as if she couldn't believe it.

       "Yeah. You deserved something nice after everything." I smiled softly at her and grabbed her hand. 

       We walked over to the blankets and laid down. We were both on our backs with our heads turned so close together. I could almost ki-

      "I think we should talk about what happened." 


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