Chapter Six

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       My coach was going over information for the game on Saturday, but I wasn't paying attention to a word he was saying. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Everything had happened on Saturday, but today is Monday and she hasn't even tried to contact me. I know I said I didn't want to see her, but she doesn't even want to see me. I guess she really did mean what she said.

       "ALEXIA! I said do you have anything to add?" My coach said, bringing out of my thoughts. She was looking at me weirdly, but I thought nothing of it.

       "Yeah, I do. This game isn't going to be easy, so we really have to focus. This is the last game before playoffs and we have placed first in the state four years in a row. We don't want to stop now." 

       "That's it for practice today. Go home and rest. We'll have another practice tomorrow from three to five." Instead of packing up and leaving, I stayed back to talk to my coach. 

       "Hey, can I talk to you?" I asked her. She is a really great coach and is super understanding. Everyone else had pretty much left. 

       "Yeah. Is everything okay? Do you need anything?" 

       "No, I'm not doing too good and I'm not sure I'll be able to make it every day. I'm just feeling really drained and mentally exhausted." 

       "That's totally fine. Take any time you need. You know the team and I will be here for you if you need it." I felt tears burn up in my eyes as she said that. I don't know why, but I've just felt like crying a lot lately. She must have noticed and pulled me into a tight hug. "Let me know if I can help anyway."

       "I will, I promise." I pulled out of the hug and said goodbye. I packed up my stuff, taking my cleats off and putting on my crocs. I walked to my car and just stared out the window. I felt the tears start to roll down my cheeks. I didn't bother wiping them up because more ould just come anyway. Once I was done, I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulder. I think a good cry was just what I needed. 

       I decided to pick up something to eat before I had to go to work. I worked at a local bookstore that was owned by Mrs. Aderson, the sweetest old lady you'll ever meet. I really had a taste for a burger so I pulled up to the best diner in town. I walked in and placed an order my usual to-go. As I was waiting, I heard the door jingle and I hated what I saw. It was Evelynne and Jonah walking in together, hand in hand. He must have said something funny because she looked up at him laughing with a big smile on her face. They didn't notice me as they walked to our regular table. I couldn't even be mad, I was just hurt that she was out here looking all happy while I'm wallowing in self-pity.

       I looked up as the waitress called my name, placing my food in front of me. I glanced back over at them and I made eye contact with Evelynne. She was staring back at me with a blank expression, revealing nothing. I felt hurt flow through me as I bowed my head and rushed out of there after paying. I practically sprinted to my car so she couldn't see how much I was hurting. I quickly pulled out of the parking lot and drove to work. Before I headed in I changed out of my practice clothes. I put on a loose pair of ripped jeans and a light blue cropped sweater. I put my docs on and headed into the store. I was carrying my food in one hand and my phone in the other when Mrs. Anderson startled me.

       "You're five minutes late," she said as she snuck up behind me. I yelped and dropped everything on the floor. I heard her burst out laughing as I turned around to face her. "You should see your face."

       "Yeah. Yeah. Real Funny," I grumbled as I picked up what I had dropped. I wasn't really mad. I loved that lady like a grandmother, I don't think I could ever actually get mad at her. She kept laughing as she left to go into the back. She usually went back there to sort out new book shipments and leave me to watch the store. It was a pretty popular store and people came in all the time.

       I really loved my job since I loved being around books. I liked to pick books off the shelves and read them while I work. I only work after school here, and she has another employee that is here during the day. I've talked to him a couple of times, he's my age and is pretty nice. I pulled out my food and started eating, scrolling through Tik Tok, trying to pass the time. 

       My shift was pretty laid back and easy. there were no problems and people just bought their books and left. As my shift ended I said goodbye to Mrs. Anderson and headed home. I listened to my playlist and rolled down the windows. It was almost 9:30 and I just wanted to get hope and shower. 

       I pulled into my driveway and noticed my dad's car wasn't in the driveway. I wondered if he had a date, but he would never actually tell me that. It could just be he had to stay late at work. He was the head engineer at a major company. It required him to stay late sometimes when they had big projects. 

       I went into the house and immediately made my way to my room. I picked out some pajamas and headed into my bathroom. I started the shower and waited for it to get hot before getting in it. I sighed as I felt the hot water hit my body. I didn't realize how stiff I was until I felt the tension melt out of my body. I washed my hair and body before I got out. I put my pajamas on and brushed my teeth. 

       I practically fell into bed as I pulled the covers up and burrowed into them. I pulled out my phone hoping to see something from Alexia or even her parents. But, nope, nothing. I pulled up Instagram and noticed she posted a picture of her and Jonah. It was of her smiling while he kissed her cheek. She had captioned "the love of my life." I closed the app because I couldn't look at it anymore. I felt turns well up in my eyes. I just can't get a break, can I?

       I couldn't help but think...maybe our friendship was really over. 

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