Chapter 33

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Alix was determined. She was on a mission to prove that nothing was wrong with Lila, and maybe then Marinette and Lila could finally get along. She took the usual route to the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie, anxious to see Marinette and get to the bottom of this. She took a deep breath and walked in the bakery.

Ms. Dupain-Cheng wore her usualy smile, but it looked a bit...strained? Had she heard about the school situation? 

Alix calmed her nerves and went to the counter. She decided to just go for it.

"Um, hi Ms. Dupain, do you know where Marinette is?"

A dark glimmer seemed flicker across her eyes as she responded. 

"No, I haven't."

"Well, where was the last time you saw her?" Alix asked politely. 

" I haven't seen her in four days." She responded coldly.

"Marinette no longer lives here, I thought she would've told you that." The short woman continued.

Alix was shocked. For four days?! How had she not noticed this?

"Do you have any idea where she's staying?" Alix pressed, anxious to get as much information out of her as possible.

"No. Now, if you'll excuse me, Ii have other customers to attend to." Sabine then proceeded to ignore Alix completely and talk to other customers. 

Alix left the bakery dumbfounded. Things were clearly worse than she knew. Where would Marinette be staying? Faster than lightning, and idea popped into her mind. 

What about the hotel? Marinette and Chloe seemed on friendly terms now, maybe she would be staying there?

Well, it was worth a shot.

Alix shifted directions and headed to the hotel, her thoughts moving as fast as she was.

Lila was lying. 

About everything.

Her lies had cost Marinette her home.


After class, Chloe and Marinette had gone back to the hotel, each of them slightly irritated, not only at the behavior of their classmates, but at the prospect of having to walk all the way.

They went to the kitchen, and to their delight, (but mostly Chloe's) Jean had prepared a fruit platter for both of them. 

He bowed and greeted the two as they entered the kitchen, even though they insisted he didn't have to do that. 

They dug into the fruit platter and kept chatting incessantly when there was a knock on the door.

"Chlo, is Luka or Kagami coming?" Marinette asked.

"No, not that I'm aware of." She responded, equally as bewildered. 

Chloe swung open the door to see Alix, looking down at her skates. Her mouth curved into a sneer, but before either party could say anything, Marinette called from inside the room.

"Who is it?" Marinette asked, slowly making her way over to the door.


A sharp intake of breath could be heard from Marinette as she appeared at the door.


Alix decided to start simple.


Chloe sneered," Is that all?" 

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