Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"So, what happened?" She asked, fidgeting with her sweatshirt.

"Well, what do you remember?" Kagami asked hesitantly.

"I remember going to the movies with Luka, walking out, and then I don't remember anything after that." She recounted, scrunching her forehead in doubt.

Kagami paused, unsure of how to explain what happened.

"Well.. you fainted at the movie theater." The fencer waited to see a response before delivering the final news, but Marinete had gone devoid of all emotion. She couldn't read her at all. It was like she became a rock.

"Yeah, but why'd you bring me back here?" She asked, starting to panic.

"You're kwami told Luka too."

Marinette coughed.

"My what?" She asked, assuming she misheard her.

"Yeah, she kind of told us everything."

Kagami was cautious whilst explaining this part to Marinette,she knew superheroes were not supposed to reveal their identity under any circumstances.

The door swung open. Luka had returned.

"Did anyone order a hot guitarist with pasta and sandwiches?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Kagami rolled her eyes at Luka's antics while watching Marinette blush and giggle. He set down the bag containing all of the food on the table and went to join them.

"Marinette, are you feeling better?" He asked, his playful demeanor disappearing.

"Why would I not be alright?" Marinette asked, attempting to minimize the situation.

Kagami detected what she was trying to do and frowned before changing the subject.

"Wow, these sandwiches look really good!" She remarked after unwrapping the sandwich.

Her eyes lingered to Marinette, who was standing up by the couch.

"Marinette? Come sit down." Kagami ushered.

"It's okay, you guys can eat without me and I'll eat my sandwhich tomorrow." She waved a hand causually then began to wander back into the other room when Kagami got up and blocked her way.

"Marinette, you need to eat. This isn't healthy." She commanded.

"Kagami!" Marinette whined.

"Luka, listen to this. Marinette, when was the last time you ate before today?" Kagami asked.

Luka looked at her with concern while waiting for her answer.

"Um, maybe Wednesday or Thursday." She said, still unsure.

She quickly hastened to add," But it's normal! When I'm working on commissions, I don't have time to eat!" She said truthfully.

Luka looked at her in disbelief, and the next question he asked was one that caused her to consider the option of lying.

"Marinette, before Wednesday or Thursday, when was the last time you ate? Like, a full meal?" Luka said, unsure if he really wanted to know the answer to his question.

Marinette fidgeted with her hoodie.

"The Friday of last week." She said in a small voice.

Kagami, not one to tolerate mumbling, prompted her to speak up.

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