Chapter 1

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Chapter One

"Marinette, wake up! You're going to be late again!" Tikki said, spilling water on her.

She groaned, "Not again!"

Marinette turned to her side to see that the clock beside her was buzzing angrily. "OH MY GOSH TIKKI, IT'S 8AM WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP SOONER?"

"I tried Marinette, but you were in a deep sleep. I got you awake just now by pouring water on you" Tikki said, failing to conceal her laughter. Marinette sprinted to her bathroom and quickly brushed her teeth.

She decided on wearing a pair of simple blue jeans, with a white short sleeved crop top. She paired the outfit with a simple pair of trainers, and wore her hair in her signature pigtail look. After getting ready, she rushed downstairs to grab a pastry for breakfast, along with her backpack and cell phone. She sprinted down the street and arrived at class just as the bell rang.

Madame Bustier had just gone to copy some papers, meaning she had maybe 10 minutes before she came back. She breathed a sigh of relief, and opened the door to see everyone in the room surrounded by a familiar desk. One that hadn't been occupied in a while.

"Hey everyone!" Marinette greeted as she walked, or actually tripped into the room.

She got no response. Marinette saw all of her classmates huddled around a familiar desk, one that hadn't been occupied in a while. Sitting at the desk was a small girl with dark brown hair. She locked eyes with the infamous liar, knowing that her appearance could only mean one thing.


"Hi guys!" Marinette repeated.

There was a general murmur of greeting from her class, then most of them refocused their attention on the Italian girl in front of them. "...and then, he told me that he idolized me and that I was his source of inspiration!" the girl gushed.

"Oh my goodness, really?"

"That's so cool!"


"What a liar."

"Do you think you could get me an interview?" This particular question came from a girl sitting to Lila's right. She looked extremely eager at the prospect of getting an interview, especially with two of the most trending celebrities right now, Nettie and MDC.

"Really, Lila?" Marinette asked. "We all know that Nettie and MDC are anonymous, nobody knows who they are. So how do you know them?" Marinette asked. "Well, I'm not supposed to tell you this but..." Lila trailed off, leaving the class in suspense.

"Tell us!

"C'mon Lila, you know we won't tell."

"Well..." Lila continued, "Both of them are actually my  step siblings!"

Marinette was astonished by the look of astonishment on her classmates' faces. They don't believe her... right? "I thought that you said you were an only child? " Marinette said heatedly. Lila then began to cry. "I know that you don't like me very much, Marinette, but there's no reason to be so mean," She exclaimed, her voice wavering through her fake tears. Marinette could almost hear the smirk in her voice as the unsuspecting sheep wandered twoard the wolf's trap.

"Not cool, Marinette," Nino said stonily.

"Marinette, don't be so mean," Rose added.

Marinette looked around in disbelief as she saw her classmates' disappointed looks. She couldn't believe that they were going along with all of this. Surely Adrien wouldn't believe this.


Adrien avoided her gaze and remained silent. He felt Plagg inside his shirt ,nudging him to do something, anything to defend Marinette, but he ignored it. As Madame Bustier walked back into the class with the papers, everyone quieted down and Marinette went back to her seat dejectedly.

"It's ok, Marinette," Tikki whispered from inside of her bag, "You were only trying to do the right thing," This day couldn't get any worse.

 Class was starting, and she was lost in thought for the rest of the lesson until she felt someone tapping her on her shoulder: Alya.

"Hey girl, hurry up! We're going to be late for Madame Mendeleiev." Alya said.

"Right, let me just pack up my things." Marinette said, scrambling to pick everything she had dropped up.

"Okay then, before that, can I talk to you?" Alya asked.

"Now?" Marinette asked.

"Yeah." Alya replied.

The two girls walked out of the classroom together, and Alya pulled her to one side, "Look, I don't really know how to start with this, so I'm just going to say it, you need to stop being so mean to Lila."

Marinette, who's demeanor had been relatively relaxed a minute ago, swiveled her head to Alya in shock; maybe she had hit her head somewhere, that had to be it.

Alya continued, "I know that you were jealous of her because of Adrien, but there's no reason for you to keep treating her like this!"

Marinette stared at Alya hard to see if she was joking, "Alya, she's a liar!" she exclaimed. "Almost every single thing she says is a lie!"

"Marinette, I can't believe you! Just because Lila has a better shot with Adrien doesn't mean you have to act like that."

Marinette was absolutely shocked, was that what Alya thought this was about?She turned on her heel and marched in the classroom furiously. Unbeknownst to Marinette, a girl behind them was watching the whole thing.


Hey guys, it's the author :) This is my first time writing a fanfic, so I'm sorry in advance. The story isn't finished but it keeps saying it is idk why.

Really excited for how this story will turn out! Leave suggestions, questions or the most random statement ever lmao. Tysm for reading!


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