Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"How about a duet?" She asked.

Luka grinned.

"I get to choose the song." He said.

"Fine by me." Marinette said.

"How about an original? I wrote this song, and it was meant for two people."

Marinette pretended to think.

"Okay, Sure."

Luka grabbed a folder from a shelf in the room, then sat down at the piano.

"You ready?" He asked.

"I was born ready." Marinette stuck out her tongue playfully, causing Luka to arch a brow.

"Here goes nothing.." He took a deep breath and began to sing.

I was distracted, and in traffic, I didn't feel it when the earthquake happened, but it really got me thinking:Were you out drinking? Were you in the living room chilling watching television?

Marinette stared. She had no clue that Luka was this talented. She had heard him play guitar before, but she did not know he was a singer. As Luka finished the verses, Marinette glanced down at the music and realized it was almost her turn.

I tried to imagine, your reaction. It didn't scare me when the earthquake happened, but it really got me thinking, the night we went drinking, stumbled to my house and didn't make it past the kitchen.

Marinette continued singing, but didn't fail to notice that Luka was looking at her. She felt her palms start sweating, but she inwardly screamed at herself to relax. She had reached the chorus.

If the world was ending you'd come over right? You'd come over and you'd stay the night. Would you love me for the hell of it? All our fears would be irrelevant. If the world wa ending...

You'd come over right?

You'd come over, you'd come over, You'd come over right?


If the world was ending you'd come over right?

As the song ended, Marinette looked at Luka.

"That was... really good."

Luka smiled.

"Thanks, I enjoyed that."

They hung out for the next three hours, before Marinette made an excuse to leave when she remembered Juleka would be back.

Before she left, Marinette stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek, causing him to blush crimson.

"Bye Luka, I'll see you later!" Marinette called as she walked out the door.

"See you Mari!" He called back.

He had offered to walk her home, but she had insisted on going by herself, which Luka had found quite odd.

Marinette and Chloe had arranged to meet each other in Chloe's suite.

"Oh my goodness! I cannot believe that he got his hair cut. That emo cut he had before was ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!" Chloe tossed her long blond hair over her shoulder and squealed.

Marinette laughed at the blond's antics, whilst thinking about how she had kissed him o the cheek.

Her thoughts were interrupted with a large crash.

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