Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight

Marinette's stomach twisted with dread as she spotted Alya, Nino, Adrien, and Lila walking up to them. Luka had gone to play frisbee, so it was just her and Kagami. Kagami must've seen her expression because she then turned around in a panic.

"Marinette? What-" she started, but was interrupted by Alya.

"MARINETTE! Why would you say such things to Lila?"

"Wha-" Marinette was cut off, completely confused.

"Stop denying it! All you are is a jealous, hateful person who is intimidated by Lila. You've been out to ruin her since day one. First by trying to tell everyone she was lying, and then saying you would take all of her friends, and even now! Going to the beach without even inviting us!"

"Alya, I never said any of that, but why don't we talk about this in a private place where we can talk to each other properly?" Even though she was raging on the inside, she gave her request in a very calm manner.

"NO! We are going to talk about it right here, right now."

"Well, if we are going to talk about me being hateful, let's ask Adrien. He was there. Adrien, what happened?" Marinette asked.

"Well I uh- I- wasn't there, Marinette, I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about."

Marinette stared at Adrien in disbelief. Was he really that much of a coward, that he would lie rather than say the truth to defend one of his friends?

"See, even Adrien agrees."

Marinette looked at Nino, but were just met with a stony glare. She felt tears well up in her eyes. Were these really the same people who, just two months ago, she would've been inviting to the beach?

"You'll pay for this Marinette, don't worry," Alya hissed,"I just don't understand what's gotten into you!"

"What's going on?" Luka had spotted the confrontation and was running up to the four of them.

"We can't be friends anymore, not if you decide to keep acting like this.", Alya continued, ignoring Luka, "Right, Nino?"

"Yeah. It's so uncool the way you've been treating Lila recently," said Nino. Lila was still pretending to tremble behind Alya, Nino, and Adrien.

"Well, aren't you at least going to apologize?" Alya demanded.

Kagami cut in, "Why should she apologize for something she didn't do?"

"Shut up fencer girl, you've probably hurt Lila too," Alya rolled her eyes and checked her nails.

"I haven't done anything yet, but that's about to change," Kagami growled.

Luka stopped Kagami before she did anything too drastic, and looked at Marinette, who was trying not to cry.

"Everyone, please stop fighting! I feel as if all of this is my fault." Lila said, still whimpering.

"It's not your fault that Marinette is a bully," Alya was shooting daggers at Marinette, "She's not leaving until she apologizes."

"For the last time Alya, I didn't do anything!"

Marinette looked at Luka and Kagami. She had forgotten that they were there. Luka and Kagami glanced at each other. Marinette looked as if she was going to burst into tears any second. "Let's go, Marinette." Luka whispered in her ear. Marinette nodded silently and the trio began packing up their things.

Adrien felt his stomach churn when he saw Luka with Marinette. What was he doing here?

Alya continued screaming at them, and was furious to find that they kept ignoring her. When they were finally ready to leave, Alya, Nino, Adrien and Lila were blocking their way. Well, mostly Alya and Nino. Lila was still pretending to be scared of Marinette, and clung to Adrien's arm as hard as she could. Adrien was just there, standing like an idiot, listening to Alya yell, not saying anything. Nino was glaring at Marinette, but backed down at the look Kagami gave him.

"She's not going anywhere until she apologizes to Lila,"

For the first time since they had started arguing, Marinette was actually scared of Alya. "Guys, go ahead to the car. I'll be fine, don't worry about me." Marinette said to the other two, glancing at Alya.

Luka looked unconvinced but relented, "Okay, we'll be outside waiting for you." Him and Kagami slowly shuffled away.

Kagami steered Luka towards the lifeguard stand, and they were listening silently, out of sight. Meanwhile, Alya continued yelling insults at Marinette, and she was just in shock.

"-AND YOU'RE A HEARTLESS, GOOD FOR NOTHING, WENCH!" Alya screamed at the top of her lungs. Alya charged forward to hit Marinette, but her hand never made it there.

Instead, she saw Luka, who had grabbed her wrist.


Ooooh a lot of drama in this chapter:) Hope you guys enjoyed it. I will try to see if I can post chapter nine today. Tysm for reading my fanfic. I'm traveling for a competition this weekend, so I won't be able to update Friday or Saturday, but I should still be able to update like normal on Sunday. Thank you guys for reading and stay safe out there!

Don't forget to comment suggestions and vote!


Slowly But SurelyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora