Tuesday, February 5th

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Tuesday, February 5th,

Okay, so yesterday, was awful! In computers we did a quiz on what our possible careers could be based on our answers, and I got awful things, things that I would never, in my life ever want to be. Worst too, all the things I wanted to be were really low on the list! Like actor, writer, and singer. In my top ten, the only thing I would even consider being is a Historian, but I would rather be a singer, actor or writer!

Even worse then that! (I know, all of you are thinking, "What could be worse then what you have already said?") All my friends, Mary, Lexi, even Summer, all got awesome jobs that I wanted! It's so unfair!

Outside I was upset (I literally almost started crying when I saw my results, that's how horrible it was), so I went and talked to Savannah and walked around with her. However, Jenna couldn't let go of the fact that I wouldn't tell her what I got, so I just snapped, "I'm sick of this!" and turned and walked away.

Even then she didn't take the point! She just followed me saying she didn't hear me, and saying I should repeat myself, so without even looking at her, I said, "Maybe you should listen better." Thankfully that made her leave me alone.

Now, on to today.

In Music Computers, Mr Wechmen had us using a rap website thing to make our own beats, it was awesome, I make a sick beat! I can't wait for us to start making raps! If only we could sing! That would be epic....

Gym was so amazing! We did basketball, and I love basketball. Well, I like most sports, and I'm good at a lot of them, but I'm really good at basketball it seemed. We were doing shots, and I got most of them in, because I knew the techniques, then we sat on the floor and took shots using just our arms. There were girls shooting on the small nets that couldn't get it in. BUT I GOT IT IN THE BIG NET!!!!! I think I'm the only person who did... or at least the only girl that did.

We did a competition, first team to ten won. It was me, Jarad, Emma, another grade 7 girl, Miss C (An assistant teacher), and me. I was so sure our team would loose. Especially since I was behind the teacher, so every time she shot I had to run and get it, then shoot, instead of just it being passed to me.

It was epic. I scored 4 of the ten shots. FOUR!!! Emma scored 3, the other girl 1, and Jarad scored 2. That's right. I, Miss, barely plays sports, but when she does, SHE IS AMAZING!!!! Beat Jarad; Mr hot shot hockey player. He was being cocky just assuming he would get them all.

We won too!

At last recess I continued on my amazing sport streak, playing fun snow soccer. I jumped up, and kicked. Man, why can't I kick like that in a real soccer game.

The world and her uniformity!

Oh, did I mention earlier (oh how could I not have updated since last week), Mary and Lexi switched, so now Mary and Summer are sitting in the middle row together (don't even get me started), and I sit in a group of three with me on the outside (close to Summer), Sally in the middle and Lexi on the far outside. Its pretty funny.

Sally and I figured out that Lexi and Cameron would make an excellent couple, for reasons I don't feel like explaining.


Vote and comment, for, I'm not really sure what reason, just if you want to, sure, if not, meh (Meh, the word you use when you can't think of another word to use).

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