Thursday, January 31st

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Thursday, January 31st,

Yeah, okay, so I haven't been writing, but I have a good reason! I didn't have Internet, and yesterday, when I started writing I was almost done, and then the electricity went out at the library before I could save: moral of the story; save often.

So, Math was pretty easy, expect I made a small mistake in one thing, and Jarad attacked me on it, I backfired saying at least I got the grade 8 one right, then Summer jumped in saying I didn't get the grade 7 one right. She wasn't even in the conversation, it was none of her business, at least I CAN do my own work, and realize when I made. Now that I think about it, she never made a move to tell anyone what she got as an answer. Bet she got them all wrong...

Anyways, we had a sub for Music because Mr Wechmen was busy with something else in the school, I shall not elaborate, we pretty much just watched a music video. Though, last week I found out while we were at the Computer lab for music that Mr Wechmen has read some of my works on Wattpad. :\ That got me thinking, what if he has been reading THIS book.... awkward.....

First recess was cold, so Mary and I ever so slowly returned our flutes. Mary hasn't been at school in a few days, she always gets sick for patches at a time.

History and Science was cool (yes, we switched from Geography to History), yesterday we had a History test, I'm pretty sure I am going to get perfect, or at least, really close to perfect, I love History, so it makes sense that I would know the dates that were on the Time-line which we were being tested on!

I was in a pretty good mood, but Jenna, the moment I walked out of the classroom for lunch helpers, told me I must be sad or upset, just like she had last week. When did it become that if I walk out not smiling and talking I'm in a bad mood??? Her saying I was put me in a bad mood. I tried to explain I wasn't, but she just wouldn't listen.

At recess Savannah was just as bad, she told me Jenna told her I was in a bad mood and that I was ignoring Jenna (all because instead of talking to her at lunch helpers, I was reading). So her and Savannah kept talking about a whole bunch of stuff that apparently I said, gosh! Why won't anybody just listen!

Sometimes I don't have anything to say, or I just don't want to tell anybody what's on my mind!

Lexi came back at Gym right before last recess, she has been gone for a week and a half (Sally did office with me twice!), and don't ask me why, that's her deal, not mine. We were playing basketball, and practicing lay-ups. I have a basketball net at home, so I know how to play. I noticed Lexi was dribbling with two hands, and casually mentioned you don't dribble like that. She pretty much snapped at me telling me she wasn't stupid, and knew how to play Basketball. If she knew why wasn't she doing it right then?

Also, she is always talking to me like that, as if she is way smarter then me, even if I understand something perfectly fine, and everyone can see I'm doing it right, she still jumps in to tell me, as if she wants people to see her telling me how to do things... (Insert flaming face palm [don't ask me what that is] here).

Sometimes people annoy me... very much so...

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